UK versus US & Canadian CD Quality

Posted by: Michael on 10 November 2001

This topic was briefly been discussed here in the past and a group of us who live in this locality who get together regularly were prompted to investigate further and do some A/B comparisons.

Without exception we have found that in revealing systems such as 52,Supercap, CDS11 135/250 NBL/SBLs and indeed other non Naim setups there is a marked difference between the UK CDs and their American counterparts..more so where the source was originally recorded over there.

Those tested so far include...

Famous Blue Raincoat Jennifer Warnes
No Angel Dido
Madonna Music
Madonna Ray of Light
Steely Dan .. Various
Diana Krall .. Various
James Taylor Hourglass
Tom Waits Closing Time/The Heart of Saturday Night

Plus many more.

The American CDs sound more open and musical.. more defined and focussed whereas the UK ones sound rather boxed in and muddy. It is difficult to describe it in words.

Having discovered this, we are now naturally somewhat reluctant to purchase CDs in the UK as we feel our systems and ears deserve the best possible source added to which, it is mostly cheaper to buy from overseas even when the carriage is taken into account.

If any of you are in a postion to do further tests your comments would be appreciated. How aware are the UK manufacturers of this?

Posted on: 10 November 2001 by Bosh
I've also heard this, the option seems clear, buy the US version from firms such as, etc.

The only problem is that they are so much cheaper than HMV wink