Giving access to Mana at Hi-fi dealers, or not, for dems.

Posted by: Steve Toy on 05 August 2001

Posted on: 05 August 2001 by Jay
Steven - do you mean that customers can't demo Mana in the UK? I find that hard to believe?


Posted on: 05 August 2001 by Andrew Randle

If you want to demo Mana, then I believe that the Cornflake Shop in London stock the stands.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 05 August 2001 by Top Cat
...because I believe that they are setting up a dealership network as we speak, but it'd be only fair to ask this on the Mana forum instead of here, surely?


Posted on: 06 August 2001 by Bosh
Image in Leeds have just started dealing in Mana. Also stock Quadraspire and have an interesting CDS2/82/3x250/NBL system on dem using both Mana and Q4
Posted on: 06 August 2001 by Rico
Mana have been working to set up a dealer network for some time.

Steve - I am having trouble separating the sensationalist tone of your opener from the purpose of any poll result which may arise.

Rico - let them eat Kans.

Posted on: 06 August 2001 by Chris Bell
Is this the Mana site?
Posted on: 06 August 2001 by Rico
you might also ask: "is this the quadraspire site?" wink

Rico - let them eat Kans.

Posted on: 06 August 2001 by Steve Toy
No, this is the Naim Forum. Just because Mana has their own Forum, and I do happen to be a registered member of it, does not mean that we cannot discuss the merits of different equipment supports on which our NAIM (and other) GEAR WILL SIT!
In any case, postings on this Forum seem to reach a wider audience. If I discussed the merits of QS on Mana's site, they'd probably fry my alive!
The purpose of this poll was to establish that we agree that Mana should allow their gear to be directly compared with that of the opposition with the confidence that their supports are the best. The sensationalism is intended not to focus on the actual merits of Mana, but I suppose it is trolling a bit with the die-hard Mana-iacs!
Do me a favour: Go eat some Kans! wink

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink
Steve smile

[This message was edited by Steven Toy on MONDAY 06 August 2001 at 17:32.]

Posted on: 06 August 2001 by Mick P

If Mana try and sell their stuff from a shop....they have had it.

If its up against other stands such as the beautiful Fraim, Ash Design etc, no wife/GF in the world will let you buy that load of ironmongery. Mana may sound good but it aint nice looking and most women will say a firm no to having that in their home.

Very bad move indeed.

Oh and before Mr Pig comes back saying his wife dosen't mind about what something looks like...I know......she married him.



Posted on: 06 August 2001 by Mike Hanson
My only reservation is that stands are inherently difficult to dem. Most good hi-fi equipment takes time to warm up, settle down and give its best and stands are even worse.

This is a load of bunk! The change in my Mana from day 0 to day 4 was insignicant. Power variations on a daily basis are far more noticeable. In fact, compared with the initial change that it made when I first plunked the CDX and 82 on their respective shelves (which was huge), the improvement theoretically attributable to settling was virtually non-existant.

If a person doesn't immediately hear the improvement, then they're not a potential Mana customer. Hell even my wife noticed, and she couldn't care less.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

[This message was edited by Mike Hanson on MONDAY 06 August 2001 at 21:05.]

Posted on: 06 August 2001 by Stuart Frazer
The other day I set-up a spare Sound Table for the Mitsubishi combo system where my computer is. My girlfriend watched me set-up the table and move the system onto it. When we switched it on she was amazed at the diference as much as I was. It was much better.

She also happens to like the look of the stuff too (as does her mother). I can, however, see why others do not like it.


Posted on: 06 August 2001 by Mike Hanson
I set-up a spare Sound Table for the Mitsubishi combo system

I tried the same thing with my Panasonic midi system. However, there was no change. I suspect this was due to the extreme amount of crap between the base of the unit and the area that houses the electronics and CD mechanism.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 07 August 2001 by Rico
Do me a favour: Go eat some Kans!

I will not eat them, Steve I am
I will not eat Kans and green ham.

I still think there's little value in such a sensationalist poll with such limited options.

And ooh look, it's turned/mutated into j.a.f.m.t.* Much as I appreciate the kit, it's been done largely to death here.

Rico - let them eat Kans.

* where m=mana, and t=thread.

Posted on: 07 August 2001 by Steve Toy
Availablity of Mana through a network of dealers for the purposes of demonstration.
To be, or not to be;
That was the question. smile
Not really sensationalist, that, now is it!
Especially as I've ordered QS Reference on the basis of a Dem.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 07 August 2001 by Bosh
Stephen Toy - How did you find the Reference compared to the Q4, did you go for the sources only or the whole system, if the latter will the sources be used on their own or a shared stand? What did you compare the Reference with?

Which dealer did you use, it may well be worth a trip over the peaks


Posted on: 07 August 2001 by Steve Toy
The dem was done as follows:
QS Reference on the right, Q4 on the left.
102/150/Flatcap2 on Ref table.
CD5 on Q4.
I listened to the system like this, before the CD5 was moved across to the top shelf of the Ref table.
Instant hit - better pitch, tone, and separation - reminded me of when I first heard the CDX -> CDS2 upgrade, not as dramatic, but the improvement was very similar, in giving female vocals - both lead and backing - more emotion.
I then tried the CDX on the Ref, then a 250 - and discovered that the 250 really doesn't like the 102, so I swapped for an 82 - bliss!
Yes, make the trip, I couldn't recommend this dealer more highly - Acoustica, is situated where the Wolverhampton Road (A449) joins the Lichfield Road (A34) at a big roundabout.
Tel: 01785 258 216

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 07 August 2001 by Bosh
Many thanks for that, must have a trek over

The acoustica link wasnt succesful though

Posted on: 07 August 2001 by Steve Toy
I know, John of Acoustica told me that their site was down. The phone number should work though! smile

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink