The CDS2 has landed!
Posted by: Mike Hanson on 13 June 2001
1. CDX on Mana
2. CDS2/XPS off Mana
3. CDX off Mana
4. CDX/XPS off Mana
5. CDS2/XPS off Mana
6. CDX off Mana
7. CDS2 on Mana, XPS off Mana
8. CDS2 on Mana, XPS on Mana
We'll see what each brings to the presentation. I'll try to give each a relative rating (absolute ratings are impossible, of course). Also, you'll notice that I've got at least one repeat here, just to help my hearing memory. Am I missing anything?
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
[This message was edited by Mike Hanson on WEDNESDAY 13 June 2001 at 22:23.]
…. 8.As above but at 3am to determine the effect of lower ambient electricity usage
9.CDX on Mana with CDS2 plugged into the same circuit but with your pants down so the refractive effects of your bottom act as a bass trap
10.CDX on Mana with CDS2 plugged into the same circuit but with that really bad brown jacket on so the refractive effects of the coat act as a diffuser
11.CDS2 on Mana, XPS off Mana vs CDX with Vuk in the room (naked)…
And for the sake of completeness if I could add:
20. Sigur Ros on your office system vs Cher on the CDS2 / Mana phase 7.
21. Charles Mingus vinyl on P9 / 32.5 / Hicap / 250 / Kans via international phone call vs Cher on the CDS2 / Mana phase 7 52 / 250 / Royds. (I will happily play all my Mingus albums down the phone to facilitate this should you ring, though you are only allowed to ring when fully clothed).
22. Attaching the Cher CD to a brick and throwing it at the naked Vuk you appear to have in the room vs listening to it.
21. Charles Mingus vinyl on P9 / 32.5 / Hicap / 250 / Kans via international phone call vs Cher on the CDS2 / Mana phase 7 52 / 250 / Royds. (I will happily play all my Mingus albums down the phone to facilitate this should you ring, though you are only allowed to ring when fully clothed).
Nice one!
23. Three way International conference call with Cher on CDS2 / Mana phase 7 52 / 250 / Royds but with nuts done only finger tight vs Charles Mingus vinyl on P9 / 32.5 / Hicap / 250 / Kans vs the first song on Coltranes 'Stellar regions' on my WTT/52/135/SBLs at 3am GMT - everyone fully clothed.
that kind of music is simple enough for ameobas to dance to, tapping their cute little pseudopods to the beat of life. Well I'm sorry, but I'm a little beyond that inane approach to music.
What the eff does that mean?
Dev (one time philosophy student now a corporate bad boy for your viewing pleasure)
24. CDX at your house, CDS2 at my house...
now, thats what i call a clever test, except that results may be too predictable --- i.e. said cdsii may never go back to one mike h. tricky one this could turn out to be...
One final item: During my testing I managed to get a picture of Vuk naked:
It seems he wasn't happy when the other fellow in the picture tried to play some Pat Metheny. Note the typical Vuk-grimace (and this is with nuts only finger tight). You may also find it interesting that this is one of the few pictures of Vuk that do not include his cat.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
[This message was edited by Mike Hanson on THURSDAY 14 June 2001 at 23:35.]
The nympho in the computer room who had the hots for Vuk (as per photo of bearded gent holding big cat)will not like this at all.
You have just ruined his chances of being shown a good time on his next visit to the UK.
With friends like you....who needs enemies.
Isn't that a copy of 'Imaginary Day' by Metheny in the piccy? No wonder Vuk is outraged.
ps. yes, I do own the album and yes, I think its OK (even for a non metheny fan like me)
I don't listen to that CD much anymore, but I had a friend over yesterday who usually joins me at the Toronto audio show. Just for fun, he suggested that I put it on. It was simply stunning! He had a hard time accepted that the upcoming 52 was going to improve it even more. Actually, I've been thinking the same thing, with eager anticipation.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
the complexity and extreme bass on track 5 was a very good test for a system's ability to resolve details, control the numerous bass lines, handle potential harshness (from all the percussion), communicate groove and dynamics, etc.
Imaginary Day is a most dreadful recording, it is digital at its worst - wonderful sonics but no music. Rather like the xrcd by jvc.
I took it over to Vuk's one day, and he grimaced loudly
I am not surprised, all of Metheney work when he stopped recording for ECM and joined Geffen is a crime against music.
Mike, go and try some recordings on Water-Lily (not a 'Meeting by the River') maybe 'Gathering Rain Clouds' by VM Bhatt and you'll probably see where my preferences are.
I'll also check out 'Gathering Rain Clouds'.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
I use it mostly to frighten off burglars and small children.
I'm with Dev on this one - although application of recent Pat Metheny to small children and burglars might escallate to the point that you're visited by a reformed child/burglar, suitably restrained, and then played cher in one ear, bono in the other, until your brain turns to custard. I recommend moderation, in all things.
26: mike standing on head in corner in an inverted Lotus Position, CDX on driveway with garden-hose interconnect to 82 on Mana, with three gallons of water carefully applied to the earth stake, and the canadian "reference auditioning sustenance" of choice - the Kraft dinner, consumed thirty minutes before. Don't forget to apply the compleat works of th e supposed former infatuation junkie for attainment of patriotic listening nirvana.
Vuk might care to consult on the appropriate weighting for the data obtained before integration into your results table... if he can get that ghastly spare head off of his left hand.
Rico - all your base are belong to us.
This is indeed a difficult issue to resolve, and one that I have been struggling with for many years. Having now found the solution, I felt that it would be in the public interest to share the technical details of the most exciting component I've added to my system in years. Supercaps, step aside! :
By the way, Music Direct has a bunch of Water Lily's marked down in their latest flyer. Bought VM Bhatt/SS Namdary "all triode recording chain one step plating process heavy virgin vinyl" for $10--all the rest are cds, I believe. Haven't played it yet.
[This message was edited by Eric Barry on SATURDAY 16 June 2001 at 16:32.]
We had a housewarming this past Saturday. Many of our friends were there, and most of them are not "audiophiles". They have heard my system before when it was CDX/82/Super/250, and they didn't seem to understand what it was all about. Those same people were coming up to me and exclaiming how it suddenly made sense. Now they knew why I was spending all of my hard-earned cash on this "silly" hobby.
The CDS2 is magic, even for those who don't have golden ears!
I should get the 52 this week. It originally arrived a few weeks back, but it was missing all of the cables, manual, etc. Vacations of various individuals managed to delay the remainder of the package. I didn't really mind, though, as I was revelling in the CDS2's glory. Now when the 52 arrives I'll know exactly what it adds to the overall performance.
At this point, it's hard to imagine how it could get much better. Considering how impressive the 52 is supposed to be, I'm really excited at the prospects.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Mike - when you get that 52, your CDS-II will be elevated to new heights. I think that you'll also find that it just keeps getting better. I have found some recordings recently which blew my mid away with the potential of CD. Enjoy!!