New Stand
Posted by: Matthew T on 16 January 2002
Need to get some picture together and will post them for your amusement.
Planing on painting the legs dark gray, just enjoying the music at the moment.
from top left down
CDX, 102, space (awaiting headline), 180
space, sony tuner, HD600, space (awaiting Hi-Cap), sony tape deck
Unfortunately your profile does not provide any system information - please give detail.
Are those N 804 or 803? Did you demo them against the CDM 9? If, how was it?
How do you like the bass of the N's?
Any trouble?
Current system.
CDX/102/108/NACA5/BW N804
I listened to more speakers then I care to remember, I think somewhere in there I listened to the CDM9 but probably not on the end of the Naim equipment.
Next move is to NAPSC and HiCap plus a headline (will use one of those power sources when in use).
Andrew Randle
The frightening thing is not dying
The frightening thing is not living
The stand has got more to it then meets the eye. Will attach a picture of a schematic.
The shelves are made of a chopped up ikea hardwood (beech) worktop (looks a lot nicer then mdf). The legs, pine because I couldn't be bothered to find any beech.
Cost was £300 half of which went on the 10mm glass shelves and a total of 5 days.
This stand is not child friendly.
Speaker position is currently constrained by the rather small room and the fact that it is my bedroom, when I go for the ultimate upgrade, buying a house in London to put my hifi in, then speakers will have plenty more room!
The glass looks pretty good with the lights on, blue green seems to compliment the Naim logos. Not convinced about silver.