Calling All Dynavector XX2 Users

Posted by: John on 03 April 2002

I am considering buying this cartridge. Does anyone regret purchasing this cartridge? Wish I bought ....... instead.
Posted on: 03 April 2002 by Bosh
I went to New Audio Frontiers with my LP12/Aro/XX1 which I run into a Ged/Prefix/hicap/52/135/sbl as I was not happy with it following upgrading the CDS1 head unit to CDS2

I came away with an XX2 and it sounds superb. So much so that I am now going for the XPS to bring the CDS2 up nearer to the LP12

Having aid that, do consider the TeKaitora/DV2, I didnt as I could not justify that sort of money on a disposable item. But if they are as good as they say they are........ The only problem is then you have no chance of keeping CD and LP quality balanced (until maybe CDS3) which is important to me.

Posted on: 04 April 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
So much so that I am now going for the XPS to bring the CDS2 up nearer to the LP12

Do you have a black burndy?

I was amazed recently at just how much difference one of these makes to a CDPS - it brought Alex S's CDSII / CDPS much, much closer to his LP12.

There was a fairly large gulf beforehand.


Posted on: 04 April 2002 by John
Ross, Bosh & Jason:

Thanks for the input. If the TeKaitora is so much better than the XX2 how would you describe the failings/differences of the XX2? I don't have the benefit of demoing different cartridges so I don't have the experience of hearing how (sonically/musically) a cartridge fails.

I don't know if the TeKaitora makes sense to me because my TT is a P9(OL modified) and I am not sure would get 100% of the benefit????

Also, is everyone using a S prefix or internal boards? I am getting very strong feeback that the S type is very well suited for the XX2. I think Vuk is using a K board which I understand will suck the body out of the mids and make the highs exagerated.


Posted on: 04 April 2002 by ken c
i was probably one of the 1st on this forum to go for the XX2.

absolutely no regrets. sometimes makes me slightly uncomfortable listening to my cdsii.



Posted on: 05 April 2002 by JeremyB
The XX-2 is great, my best buy (better than LP12, P3 or Allaes) apart from first s/h naim amps.

No regrets - very solid and reliable too. Be sure to follow the VTA/force/anti-skating setup method posted elsewhere on the forum.

The best review I have read is on the tnt-audio web site, I have nothing to add to it and agree fully.


Posted on: 05 April 2002 by Bosh

If you're in the UK give Derek a ring at New Audio Frontiers on 01509 2640002 he has both Tekaitora and XX2 (and LP12/ARO/Ged/52) and is a personal frined of John Burns (UK distributor) who will I am sure be able to loan Derek the £2500 beast for you to try

Posted on: 06 April 2002 by John

Thanks for the info but I live in the tiny village of Vancouver, Canada. At least it feels very tiny when you want to listen to the high end. Nobody carries product! most dealers are only order takers.

Posted on: 08 April 2002 by Chris Metcalfe
The XX2 has proved considerably smoother and more coherent than the XX1-L in my system. Seems well suited to the LP12/Aro combination.

I would have thought it was the opposite of the law of diminishing returns, since its introduction must have closed the gap on the Te Kaitora. Not that I've heard one!

Posted on: 09 April 2002 by John
Is the XX2 a K or S prefix type? Someone told me that Dave Dever uses a K type. Is this true? because I am getting strong vibes from other people that it is strongly a S type.

Dave can you please clarify if you are using an S prefix or a K. If you are using the K, why did you choose it over the S.


Posted on: 09 April 2002 by David Dever
"S" (on LP12 + Aro)--the "K" was a bit too sibilant; the "S" blends beautifully. Beware of "K"-board fanatics--one size does not fit all.
Posted on: 10 April 2002 by John
Thanks Dave, I was getting very strong opinions that it requires an S board from people who's opinions I trust (knowledge and honesty).

My Prefix will be going out for modification soon.


Posted on: 10 April 2002 by John
Vuk, did you compare the K to the S? It might be worth a try. The feedback I am getting is consistently S. I was told the K exagerates the highs and will suck a little bit of the body out of the mids. It doesn't cost much to modify the prefix.

If you like the K, stick with it.


Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Joe Petrik
When I got my XX-1L last year all I had on hand were K boards (my previous cartridge was a Karma). Records with the XX-1L and K board sounded good, so I never bothered trying to get a pair of S boards to compare.

I know this has been asked before, but what boards are XX-1L users using?


Posted on: 10 April 2002 by count.d
My XX-2 is through an S board with LP12/Ekos.
Posted on: 11 April 2002 by Bosh
With my prefix, going K to S requires 1 component to be changed(I can remember whether it was added or removed but...)my dealer dod the mod in about 2 minutes flat. Dont know if its that easy for internal boards.

K = for troi(K)a, (K)arma, asa(K)a, ar(K)iv ,etc
S = for most others

Posted on: 11 April 2002 by Lambros

I am using an S prefix with mine (om Well Tempered Classic) and it works really well. Having said that I have not listened to alternative boards for it.



Posted on: 11 April 2002 by John
Bosh, can you please give me the name of this dealer or can you get more information. I need to change mine from an E to an S. If it's as simple as removing something I could probably do it myself. If I need to add something then maybe I can just order the part?????

Right now I am looking at probably $160-200US (including shipping) for the modification.

My e-mail is


Posted on: 11 April 2002 by Joe Petrik

K = for troi(K)a, (K)arma, asa(K)a, ar(K)iv ,etc

S = for most others

Errrm, ummm, not in my experience. Yes, the K boards are the ones to use with the Troika and Karma (that's what necessitated a new board in the first place), but definitely not the Asaka. I don't know about the Arkiv, though.

Anyway, using your "K" logic, the K boards would also be the ones to use with the Asak, K5, K9, and K18, but it ain't so.
