Please, I need your help to rip my CD's
Posted by: Davidmanne on 30 April 2012
I have now read through hundreds of forum messages and am still confused.
What I would really appreciate is a simple set of instructions telling me how to do it.
Play ripped CD's and downloaded music through a UniQute as well as transfer the music files onto iPods, iPads, iPhones and USB sticks as well as playing back on an iMac
My equipment:
I intend purchasing a UniQute in a few months, after ripping all my existing CD's. I have approximately 500 plus other downloaded music either via iTunes or high definition music. I anticipate that in future, most music will be downloaded.We are a Mac only household. We have iMacs, Macbook Pros, iPads, iPods, iPhones and USB sticks. So at home, I will largely play through the UniQute (except in summer, when I will play outside using a BOSE battery operated Sounddock).
My thinking.
A stand alone Mac Mini (with possibly a Synology NAS attached) that I could access through a wired or wireless network.
How do I actually do it. Do I use iTunes or something else.The Mac Mini could be hidden from sight, so how do I operate it without keyboard, monitor or mouse attached.
I would really appreciate your feedback