Things kids will miss??
Posted by: Geoff P on 23 June 2012
I'll start it off:
They will be missed I know my Canon A1 will .
I still have my F5. Not sure why. Sentimental reasons, I guess. And it is useful as a doorstop/sledgehammer/boat anchor etc.
I still have a large number of 35mm cameras and use some of them (FE2/FM3A/F80/EOS 3) semi-regularly again. Trouble is, decent processing (and transfer to CD/print) is pretty expensive and quality of processing between firms that offer the service varies considerably (especially with less run of the mill films).
I do like using 35mm though. And frankly, they're just nice to play with!
You should get out with the F5! It's nice to think about composition and the limited number of shots available/expense to justify each pic you take sometimes, definitely reminds me to be considered in my approach with digital.
The key benefits to digital of course are instant results and you control the processing, which unless you're skilled in your own darkroom, is just not going to happen with film.
Personally I think there's a place for both still and in truth my 8 year old daughter loves owning her Pentax MV-1, she just doesn't use it very much of course when she can poke her little fuji at someone and it's done.
(Oh and if your F5 and A1 need good homes, you know where to send them...)
Smoking being seen as glamorous. It did (does?) have a certain allure...
Nope...God, when you see a beautiful woman and get within a couple of feet...And she stinks. Flat out reeks of fags. Yuck.
Inkwells, nib pens, foolscap and lines.
Nope...God, when you see a beautiful woman and get within a couple of feet...And she stinks. Flat out reeks of fags. Yuck.
Doesn't bother me Jamie - I think pretty much everyone I've ever been out with has smoked. Years ago I used to go out with a very beautiful French girl (looked a bit like Jean Seberg but with black hair) who smoked so heavily she was virtually half woman, half Galouise. She had that brilliant way of smoking (cigarette permanently clamped between lips) that only the French can pull off. Gotta admit she looked really, really cool.
OK Debs, I'll see your gurning hag, raise you a Jolie and a Dietrich:
OK Debs, I'll see your gurning hag, raise you a Jolie and a Dietrich:
Wotdoyamean, Gurning Hag?
That's a picture of ME, thought you'd like a copy!