Pissed off big time part 2
Posted by: maze on 13 July 2012
This is a follow on thread to Gale 401's rant about his letter from the stazi, sorry council re: playing music too loud.
Mine is a different subject but the issue is of a similar tone.
I live in a small (5 houses) private close, our boundary perimiter fence in front of our houses was in a poor state of repair so myself and 3 other residents decided to take down the old fence and replace it with a new picket fence only across our own boundaries. We checked with the council on two occassions to see if we need planning permission, no was the reply as there is already a fence there so long as we do not make the fence any higher than the old fence was. This was also confirmed on the councils planning portal website.
A month down the line and I get a letter telling me I have erected a fence without planning permission and I have until Julty 27 to take all of the fence down.In the letter I am told I can apply for planning permission, but not to bother as I will not get it. The content and tone of the letter is really quite scary, I feel like we are now livivng in a police state. We thought we had done the right thing to be told otherwise.
It is quite obvious someone has made a complaint reading other content in the letter. The council also say that the fence is not in keeping with the surroundings of the area, what a joke. To the right and left of our fence is a steel fence you would see on a industrial area, something that would surround a factory.
What is it with these planning depts? The distress and trouble they cause. Two mile up the road from us is a illegal gypsy site thats been there for a bout four years and still nothing gets done about it.
So yeah at the moment pissed off really big time. Beam me up scotty i'm ready to explode!