Hi Howard, done a little bit of reading on this, USB is effectively like a powered half duplex Ethernet lead. The data transmitted is completely packetised, and follows it's own network protocol. streamed Audio data uses the Isochronous data transmission method of USB which has similarities to the SPDIF protocol, and Ethernet UDP transport protocol.
USB has the shielded twisted pair network links plus two seperate Powerlines (whose ground must be seperated from shield to avoid EMI pollution)
Therefore good cables will have low EMi/RFI generation, both directly and indirectly coupled, and also correctly terminate between endpoints in terms of impedance (capacitance/inductance, resistance) to reduce reflections and distortions, quite important for Isochronous mode. Although the same methods of decouupled clock samole clock recovery in SPDIF can equally be applied to good effect on iso USB.
With this I would say with USB to drive for optimism performance the only sure way of determining a good cable for your particular system is trial and error, and ensure there are no other USB devices using the USB controller as your audio on your host/PC. Don'tassume a glitzy pretty USB cable will improve performance in your setup. But a cable with a good quality twisted pair with a good gauge of wire and optimum characteristic impedance with its connectors, and seperate shield and ground will perform well.