What do you think of the Royal family ??
Posted by: mista h on 02 August 2012
Winkyincanada managed to put a few peoples noses out of joint with his Olympics thread,so i thought i would try and do the same !!!
MY VIEW is overall they are an expensive waste of space and if i had my way i would get rid of PDQ.
Even my other half does not agree with my views,but do i care !!
This is my breakdown(an these are MY views)
Queenie......about the only one in my opinion that has done a good job for 60 years.Move her into a small apartment and open up the whole of Buck Pal to tourists...the yanks wouls love it.
Phil......opens his mouth to often before slipping brain into gear.
Charlie.....Anyone who likes talking to plants,well nothing more to say is their
The prince of golf.....Why should i take a £100 train journey when the tax payer will provide a £20,000 helicoptor.
Edward.....Joined the forces.....FAIL Started a film company..........FAIL
Annie.....Not a bad old stick,but who the f does her 1920s hair style.
William...A likeable sort of chap,supposed to be a search & rescue pilot. WHEN ??
Harry....Apart from staggering out of clubs at 4am what does he do ??
The prince of golf insists his 2 kids should get 24 hour Police protection....at the taxpayers expense.
Can someone tell me why we should pay. He wants em protected let him pay i say.
OTHER MINOR ROYALS A total non starter a far as i am concerned
Mista H