HELP needed: HDX - Renaming Artists and n-Serve Sorting
Posted by: Klout10 on 02 October 2012
Hi all,
From the beginning I couldn't stand the fact that the HDX sorts artists or groups including the prefix "The". I'd love an ignore prefixes when sorting on artist option! After a long time, I've decided to rename all the artists on the HDX as follows: old situation: "The Rolling Stones", new situation: "Rolling Stones, The". I used the DTC for this operation.
After renaming, everything looked fine via DTC and the web brouwser interface. However, upon using my iPad2 with n-Serve I've noticed that "Rolling Stones, The" is not appearing under the "R" (which was obviously my intention). But still under the old location ("T").
I wonder if someone has encountered the same issue? Switching off and back on the unit did not help??