Daylight Savings Time
Posted by: joerand on 09 March 2014
Something we Yanks do.
Maybe others??
Fall back good. Spring ahead not.
Suddenly it's 2 o'clock in the AM.
Yikes, time for bed.
Awaiting the Spring equinox here in Valhalla.
I would support doing away with savings time. Not sure why they bother anymore.
Daylight saving is a hangover from Europe during the 1st world war in particular when light for industry was at a premium.
Might be a good idea - if we are gonna keep daylight saving - if USA & Europe changed time on the same day, we are a week or 2 different.
Then I have to ask why don't the rest of the world do it as well - maybe they are just a bit smarter & don't see the point.
I read that UK is considering aligning its time with Europe on CET (GMT +1/+2) It still means a two times a year time change & for what ????
If daylight saving is such a problem, why not move work/school start/finish times & get up an hour earlier or later
It was determined way back that the sun reaches its zenith at 12 noon on the Greenwich Meridian hence the meridian & GMT (Int Zulu Time) & the middle of the day is 12 noon - so whats changed ???
I'd like to do away with it. Often the safety of school children is cited; kids won't have to be walking to school in the dark in winter. The state of Arizona does not do it. Lots of older and retired folks there.
It'd be oh so useful for the likes of Norway.