Goodbye n-Vi, hello Arcam AVR
Posted by: MDS on 30 April 2015
Since last summer my beloved n-Vi has been playing up. Despite a couple of attempts at repair I’d reluctantly accepted that it was time to move on and my n-Vi has gone to meet its maker. Question: what to replace it with?
As we know, unfortunately Naim no longer has a product to replace the n-Vi. While my n-Vi was away for its first repair I tried an Oppo 103D + three Nap100s. Unlike my Oppo 93, the 103 has an HMDI input which enables my SkyHD box to feed it. This combination had its attractions. It fitted my rack and it sounded better than the n-Vi. Unfortunately, in day-to-day operation it was rather glitchy, necessitating occasional power-downs to recover stability. Of course, the n-Vi was known for its foibles in this respect, the screen regularly displaying the ‘system fault - switch off and on at the mains’ message. So I looked for something more conventional and my dealer pointed me towards the Arcam AVR range. Not wanting to move backwards on sound quality from the n-Vi, I took on loan the AVR750 which I think is near or at the top of the AVR range.
It’s a big beast. In fact so big it was immediately obvious that it wouldn’t fit my TV stand. Height and width was okay but it is also very deep which meant I’d have to factor in the cost of a new rack. Still, a week with the demo version protruding somewhat precariously over the front-edge of my TV stand was enough to show the merits of its performance. On the downside it doesn’t have the speed of the n-Vi or the 103D/3xNAP100s and it is less ‘obvious’ at low volumes. On the other hand, there was a lot more detail coming through, especially from the front centre speaker. And the AVR750 clearly had a lot more power. The effect on action movies was very obvious indeed. The oomph was greater and the bottom-end took on a whole new sense of scale. This power didn’t overwhelm the rest of the mix though, dialogue was clearer too. It was clear to me that overall performance was well ahead of the n-Vi and also ahead of the Oppo/NAP100 combo. Usability while not perfect seemed ok. Unlike my n-Vi which required a mixture of cable types between the boxes and TV, the AVR was simpler with HMDI cables throughout: one between the AVR and TV and the Oppo and SkyHD box into the AVR.
So an order was placed. I also ordered a new rack and elected for a 3-shelf Quadraspire QAVM in black, as I have Quadraspire in my main system. It was all delivered and set up a couple of weeks ago. While I was initially worried that the bigger QAVM rack might look too much, in practice I think it looks better that the smaller chrome and glass TV stand it replaced. I’m still getting used to handling the controls and remote, and the hand-shakes to the other boxes but the performance is very pleasing (why do these AV system have to be so complex to operate?). The better quality rack and positioning of the centre and front speakers seems to have added to the performance level too. I’ve added a rather poor-quality pic below (photography not my strong suit.)