Kallax for vinyl storage.
Posted by: Sneaky SNAIC on 05 July 2015
Based on recommendations here, I'm planning to do the room in Kallax, I have 2 other old bookshelves that do not match so I figured I'd get 2 4-row kallax and 1 2-row. Removing the old bookshelves altogether (a big win for style and with the Mrs.).
But I noticed in the Kallax manual it says not to mount it on the wall.
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Not sure why I couldn't do that, perhaps they mean with the provided mounting equipment...I'm sure there's some way to put them up on the wall even if I have to build a shelf underneath (to prevent the front from sagging down).
These are the only things I can think of:
Their fasteners are not good enough to mount up on the wall.
Solution: get beefy fasteners and screw hardware.
2. The floor would not be there to support the bottom and the shelf itself would collapse from the front.
Solution: Build a shelf underneath up on the wall to simulate the floor.
If the wall studs are used it should be just as strong as on the floor and attached to wall. Maybe the wall wouldn't be strong enough and the entire wall would come down!?
The reason I'm so bent on hanging it is there is I live in a split level and the floor in the room is slab, but around the entire wall was a huge corner of concrete from the slab construction. We chose to put a panel around the bottom edge of the room, its white and looks like paneling. However its about 2 feet tall and comes out from the wall about 3 inches!
This means anything butting up against it would be several inches away from the wall; this pushes the bookshelves further out into the room, and in one spots ruins my plans altogether because my tolerance was 1/2" in a weird corner to slip another book shelf in there. (guess I could go with a single width Kallax instead of a double width).
Ok so here's the thing I didn't expect with hi-fi...the room organization, planning and Interior Design if you will. I've nearly moved everything or thrown it out of the room and started from scratch. Not sure why I'm doing this, but I tell my wife its male "nesting."