The Nano DSP turned up yesterday, so pretty quick delivery. It's a very neat unit indeed. So this morning I spent a happy couple of hours setting it up. First I had to set the Oppo to output PCM rather than bitstream, then I had to check the distance settings and sound levels for each of the 8 channels.
I had a bit of fun trying to register the Dirac software (RTFM) but then it was a question of pugging the unit in between Oppo & sound processor, connecting up my Macbook Pro to the unit with a USB cable, connecting up the MiniDSP microphone, downloading the mic's individual configuration file and running the program. This has excellent step-by-step instructions but takes a while as it generates a series of frequency sweeps for eight or so different microphone locations. That done, when I attempted to load the filter the program generated into the unit I was informed there were too many channels - I'd not set the number of speakers (RTFM). So I had to run it all again...
Here's a screenshot of the frequency sweep, showing the ideal correction to be applied :-
So what does it sound like? Well, better than I imagined it could - it's transformed the surround sound to make it much more coherent. Very impressive!
I've room to add another three filters (you can alter the curves to suit your tastes) but for now I'm content to enjoy it as it is.