Dear all out there
Please excuse my English. It is not my native language.
My equipment: Mac Book pro, Ripper: XLD, LaCie NetworkSpace2.
The Uniti is an amazing device with a sensational sound. Unfortunately I have problems with my CD I have ripped to play them over UPNP. Of 38 previously recorded CD, the device plays only 26 CD. All the CD are displayed on the NetworkSpace2, but not on the Uniti, not even on the n-stream so I can not play thise CDs. On I-Tunes I can play the CD. Using a USB stick on the Uniti I can play them too. Where is the problem.
Is there a website which describes exactly what the correct settings when ripping, so that the files can be played. I've found if the cover image is too large, the CD not appear over UPNP and n-stream.
Is it possible to format the lists Artist and Album?
Thanks for the help.
German / Deutsch
Meine GerÄte: Mac-Book pro, Ripper: XLD, LaCie NetworkSpace2.
Der Uniti ist ein wunderbares GerÄt mit sensationellem Klang. Leider habe ich Probleme meine CDs welche ich gerippt habe über UPNP abzuspielen. Von bisher 38 gerippten CD spielt das GerÄt nur 26 Stück. Alle CD werden auf der NetworkSpace2 angezeigt, aber nicht auf dem Uniti, auch nicht auf dem n-Stream somit kann ich diese CD nicht abspielen. Auf I-Tunes lassen sich die CD spielen. über einen USB-Stick auch. Wo liegt das Problem.
Gibt es eine Internetseite auf welcher genau beschrieben wird, welches die richtigen Einstellungen beim rippen sind, damit die Dateien gespielt werden kÖnnen. Ich habe festgestellt, wenn das Coverbild zu gross ist wird die CD über UPNP nicht angezeigt.
Lassen sich die Listen Artist und Album formatieren?
Vielen Dank Für die Hilfe.
Posted on: 21 April 2011 by Peter_RN
Hello egosch
It’s probably the UPnP server not handling the tags of those discs ‘correctly’.
I don’t use any of the equipment that you mention so hopefully others will be of more help.
Are all the discs that won’t play of the same genre, ‘Classical’ for example?
It will be possible to both edit the tags and also format how the files are saved, but you will need a Mac user to advise on how to do it, there should be a few along shortly.
Posted on: 21 April 2011 by Steven Shaw
Do the 10 or so albums just not show up on the unitiqute/n stream? If so these files are likely to be incorrectly tagged (assuming you are using flac files).
If you put them on a usb drive, i believe the unitiqute will just read the filenames rather than the embedded tags.
mp3editor is an excellent tag editor. I would use it to find out which tags have been filled out with the cd's that play, and hopefully fill in some missing tags on the cd's that dont.
Posted on: 21 April 2011 by egosch
hello peter hello steven
thank you for your quick answer. i will check this soon next days.
yes the cd ist not shown by nstream or on the display on the uniti. but if i copy them to the usb stick uniti is playing them. yes i am using flac files.
i will try it in some days. thank you. it seem so difficult. is there any page which explanes these all.
for me everything is very new.
thanks egosch
Posted on: 21 April 2011 by Andy McGhee
Hi, another way of checking if it is a problem with the tags is to browse from the UPnP server through the Folder tree rather than Album. This just lists the files/folders in each folder in alphabetical order and does not attempt to use the tags to list them (well, that's true of my Buffalo Linkstation Duo Pro and Uniti)
Maybe that will help discover the problem.
Posted on: 22 April 2011 by egosch
Dear all
Thank you for your tips and help. I have checked the folder structure and found no errors.
I created a folder TEST and moved the albums that have not been shown there. After that, the albums were displayed. Pushing the albums back the Mac always crashed. So I have moved all the albums from one artist to the testfolder, copied the artist, then deleted the artist folder and inserted the artist by overwriting the TESTfolder.
I do not understand this. After that everything was desplayed.
Is this my LaCie or what could this be?
Do other users also know these problems with other UPNP?
Thanks for the help
Dear all
Vielen dank für eure Tips und Hilfe. Ich habe die Ordnerstruktur geprüft und keine Fehler gefunden.
Ich habe dann einen Ordner TEST erstellt und die Alben welche nicht angezeigt wurden dahin verschoben. Danach wurden die Alben angezeigt. Beim zurückschieben ist der Mac jeweils abgestürzt. Somit habe ich alle Alben des Interpreten in den TEST verschoben, den Interpreten kopiert, danach den Interpreten-Ordner gelöscht und den TEST-Ordner mittels Einsetzen überschreiben.
Was das soll ist mir nicht klar. Liegt das an LaCie oder woran könnte das liegen?
Kennen andere User auch diese Probleme mit anderen UPNP Geräten?
Besten Dank für die Hilfe
Posted on: 22 April 2011 by Peter_RN
Hello egosch
Firstly, glad that you now have things up and running OK.
It doesn’t seem to make sense if I understand what you did correctly. Why should the Mac be crashing while you are moving or renaming files on the NAS?
In fact the only thing that I can think of is that the original files were stored on the NAS in folders that were not within the UPnP media folder; but that is of course very unlikely.
The only other thing is how or when does the NAS rescan the media library, is this set to Auto or do you do it manually each time you add content?
Very strange, perhaps others may have ideas.
Posted on: 22 April 2011 by egosch
Hello peter
I did: first make a new folder called C, then moved the album called for example B from the folder artist called for example A to the folder C.
After that the album B was shown on n-stream. When i moved the album B back to the folder artist A where it was in the beginning my mac crashed always. (Moving to a new folder no problem; moving it back from the new folder to the old folder: always crashed.)
So i started to make new folders and moved all the album from one artist to this new folder. The empty artistfolder i deleted and renamed the new folder by copy paste.
So for me all was the same as before but then the albums were shown.
But till now i do not understand why. It is not the spelling.
Thanks a lot and have nice easter