n-Serve and n-Stream with NDX + Unitiserve
Posted by: KRM on 30 April 2011
If you have a Unitiserve serving an NDX can you control what you're listening to via the n-Serve app? I am aware that n-Stream controls the NDX, buut can either be used?
It seems a pointless question, but I the Serve app is quicker and has greater functionality, including playback of playlists. Frustratingly, neither can create playlists (I think) and it is the 'on-the-fly' playlist creation which is one of the more attractive aspects of the Chorus DS App for Linn streamers. I guess we just have to wait until Naim catch up?
Good to see the forum improving slowly NOT. Good to see it still doesn't work ithings. Also it seems that bold cannot be removed once started.
Still only a short time since inception, can't rush these things eh?
You've confirmed what I already suspected.
You're coments on the My proposed solution are interesting. My original intention was to connect the Userve to the NDAC via SPDIF but we have spent two days listening to various combinations and NDX via UPNP into the DAC was best. I'm getting the Unitiserve because I'm lazy/stupid and like the Naim ripping solution. The alternative is to get the laptop, wait for it to boot up and connect to the net (Vista, arrgh!), connect it to an ethernet cable (I'm told wireless won't do, it's cetainly slow), open EAC and rip the CD followed by farting around with Media Monkey for Artwork. Respect to those who are prepared to do this but I like the idea of a reliable, compatable box which is always on. If this is really the end of CD it has to be easy if dullards like me are going to join in!
The Unitiserve definitely sounded inferior to the NDX via SPDIF. My dealer has been told by Naim that the digital out on the Unitiserve is 'not audiophile standard' and it certainly sounded inferior when we heard it. This was not what I had expected, as I had believed that DACs and power supplies where key to sound quality.
I totally agree. If I had a study with a PC permanently on and wired to the network it might be different. But I don't, I have couple of laptops which are used wirelessly and an iPad which is used for 90% of non-work related duties. I also rather like feeding CDs into the Unitiserve. It's strangely satisfying!
The Unitiserve will be away from the hi fi, but in the same room. At the demo I only noticed the noise when it was ripping. I don't have room on my rack and I'm also a little dubious about having a switch mode power supply right next to the rest of the system. I already a My Book World Nas but I may get the dealer to fit a dedicated Nas as well. I guess I could get it converted later?
The n-Stream is a pain and I suppose we'll just have to be patient. The lack of playlist support is particularly annoying as is the need to lumber up and down the menus, rather than jumping to the screen you want.
Remote has advantages but the time lag / rescan on my system is not too bad. My main concern is the speed of improvement.
Cached library tree
Random play
Come on TJ - a comment?
Just to join in on your bandwagon. The n-stream is a disgrace. Clunky, ugly and lacking in basic information.Never mind the issues with playlist creation.
The only good things that I can say for it is that it is free and the volume control works just fine. Better than itunes remote.
I have to believe this is 101 version software!
Cheers, David
- They are ' working towards' plalists on the fly and have 'taken note' that people want it and agree that it would be valuable, but it's tricky with UPNP;
- They are looking into speeding up UPNP and a home button might creep in (in response to Allen's comment that it's annoying that you have to go through numerous screns to perform frequently used functions;
- The 'visual flair' issue was not conceded.
It is worrying that they are so non-commital about n-Stream when they are promising playlists and metadata editing in the next release of n-Serve. Why is it so difficult if the Chorus DS was put together on by one person? Are there problems with Naims's streaming architectecture which make it difficult to achieve basic functions that most would regard as essential? Or am I over reacting?
I don't mind waiting if Naim eventually come up with something tasty, or at least fit for purpose.
Still waiting for a comment Naim - anything?
Hi Chaps
I have been following the thread with interest although I do not use wireless, so use neither app.
However, whilst not wishing to divert the thread thought it might be of interest to you to know that it is equally problematic in trying to use a computer based CP to send music to the Qute.
Having tried both Kinsky and Asset CP’s over several months now, they have proved to be totally unreliable in operation, working for a while before locking up, usually after 2 – 3 tracks. Foobar has also been tried. All have been pointed at the DNLA server on my NAS.
I don’t think that Naim will be doing anything to address this problem.
Sorry for the diversion pure frustration. Now where’s that remote, Kinsky has just stopped AGAIN!
PS Thanks to Linn for attempting to make Kinsky compatible, there was no commercial reason I can think of why they should have.
I have very recently bought an HDX and find the n-serve app very useful. Even more recently, I have been looking at the NDX, but like many others submitting here, find the n-stream nowhere near as good. I do not want to lose the user friendliness of n-serve. Would Naim develop a hybrid perhaps?