I don’t know much about this area. We just spent two weeks with a Wetek Play in a holiday villa and after a quick briefing I was able to run through it fairly easily. I had no idea there was so much accessible stuff out there and I was pleased to be able to dip into some TV series which we will now buy on DVD.
I understand that the Play is a bit long in the tooth now. In our home it replaced a WD-TV which is a lovely little thing, incredibly versatile, but could be slow and flaky. Very flaky at times. Its primary function was to play back ISOs of our DVD collections stored on a NAS. Playback quality, particularly image quality using the Wetek is hugely superior. And the format, scan and zoom is much more configurable. The device is proving to be so versatile and easy to customise that it has pretty much become the hub for everything except music in less than 48 hours.
I will barely scratch the surface of what this box can do. It’s proving to be perfect for our modest needs, customisable beyond my imagination and so far, fast and stable. Wish we’d got one sooner.