Backup UnityServe - doing too much and too less
Posted by: Robert on 31 October 2016
Hi, I'm using an external disk in my network to do this backup-job for my UnityServe.
For that I have two problems: Unity-Serve has two folders "Music" and "Download". The automatic backup-funktion works only for the "Music" folder, but I'd llike that BOTH folders should be included in the automatic backup.
Secondly the Unity-App (Version 4.9) shows not only what I have on the UnityServe, but as well the bacuped music... means many of the albums are annoyingly shown twice - how can I avoid this?
Many thanks for your advice. Robert
on my NDX i back up the FLAC files to a seperate devise also, you can never enough back up, I also back up the downloaded music files into a seperate folder which I call Download - these are the compressed files before I convert them to FLAC and then transcode to WAV to play - this was I have both the orginal download and its FLAC de compressed file
i am sure someone who knows more about the Untiserve will comment on
You cannot include the download folder in the UnitiServe automatic backup. I believe you can tell the UnitiServe which folders to recognise and which to ignore using the desktop client. So just tell it to ignore your backups.
As HH says, the Unitiserve automatic backup only works with the music folder, so you need a separate backup strategy for downloads. When I download music, I save it to my computer first, and check the metadata is OK, as you can't edit it on the Unitiserve. Then I copy it to the Unitiserve downloads folder, and to a backup location at the same time.
If albums are showing twice, I suspect your backup has been set as an active network share, and needs to be 'deactivated' so that its content is not viewed by the Unitiserve.
Many thanks dear friends for sharing your experiences - I learned, you have the same (unsolved) problems and found some workarounds or doing your backup manually since there ks NO proper support on the UnityServe operationsystem. (Note: if I'm going to "deactivate" my network-backupserver no double albums are shown, right - but than the automatic backup doesn't work neither)
Anyway I do not understand as well, why NAIM is differentiating between these two directories "music" and "download" (eventually I have more music on "downloads" than in the "music" folders).
As well its not transparent, why editing of metadata is managed differently or is even not possible. And lastly the differences between the respective Softwareclients (ipad-App, direct-access via Browser, the poor-quality n-serve softwareclient) are getting on my nerves.
Under the bootom line: there is obviousl NO sufficient solution for automizing backup for all of the UntiyServe content.... :-(
I believe there is software that you can load on your backup drive that can tell it it to take copies of what is on the unitiserve backup folder. I have no idea how to use it or what it's called, but when someone tried to explain it, it sounded far too complex to be practical.
The Unitiserve is a great way of ripping CDs quickly, but it does have the idiosyncratic ways that you highlight.
Robert posted:(Note: if I'm going to "deactivate" my network-backupserver no double albums are shown, right - but than the automatic backup doesn't work neither)
How are you deactivating your backup? What I mean is - the backup disc must not be set as an active 'Network Share' in the Unitiserve settings, as accessed by either N-Serve for Mac, the Desktop Client, or via web browser. What I don't mean is turn off your backup NAS!
The first version of the Unitiserve was for CD rips only, so it couldn't store music from other sources such as downloads. The Downloads folder was added at a later date to cater for storage of increasingly popular downloaded music. It does seem a little bit quirky, but that's just the way the device evolved.
The UnitiServe / HDX / NS0x has a backup function to back up the CDs that you have ripped on the server itself - the server will not show the files on teh backup folder unless it has subsequently been removed from being a backup and has either been set as a share to be indexed or it has a name that contains one of the "Auto Index" trigger words (that can be set to whetever you want).
If you are seeing the files in the backup folder then it is no longer set as a backup folder and must be being indexed as a share.