Listening to iPlayer via Qute?
Posted by: Gavin B on 22 August 2011
Can anyone tell me how I can listen to radio shows on the BBC iPlayer via my Qute?
My machine is Windows7, and I want to do this wirelessly.
Thanks Gary.
I'm assuming this works by me playing the iPlayer show on the laptop, and the Airport Express picks that up over the wireless network. Does it need anything (software) on the laptop?
What's the difference between the Airport Express and the Apple TV?
In the context of this discussion, nothing.
If you have an appletv then I think it can be an airplay device. Not sure if you can throw music at it from a laptop though.
the other option is to install XBMC or Boxee on the atv and run iplayer directly from it.
Thanks for the recommendation. If I used Airfoil, am I right that I'd still need either and Apple TV or an Airport Express contected to the Qute for this to work?
You can download a demo of airfoil that works for about 10 minutes to see if it does what you want. Combined with an airport express though it should do exactly what your want.
I think the appletv needs a tv to set it up, so unless you have a tv next to your system, it may be easier to get the airport express, which can be set up remotely using a computer. I've found the airport express to be a very useful device.
Am I missing a point here? Have you tried just doing it via the Qute? Say you want to listen to something from Radio 4. Select Radio 4 on iRadio. When Radio 4 is on press 'OK/List' on the Qute remote and a list of previous programs will appear. Use the remote to select what you want. Easy!! 'Arts, Drama, Readings and Specials' are on no sensible order but you can usually find what you want. Podcasts are here too. There are other ways of doing this but I went for the simple method. Play, you won't break it!
Hope this helps
Hi Neil
Sorry for the slow reply - been away from home, and it'll be Thursday before I can try this! It just goes to show, I probably ought to have read the manual.
Fingers crossed!
@badlyread This doesn't seem to work for me. If I press OK/List when listening to Radio 4 I just get a list of presets. Would it matter that I'm listening to Radio 4 HD rather than regular Radio 4?
I'm sure the dealer played some old BBC broadcasts (came up with a list by date) but no idea how he got there.
If you have an appletv then I think it can be an airplay device. Not sure if you can throw music at it from a laptop though.
I think you can with a mountain lion, but not tried it yet
Mischa - it worked for me when I tried what Neil suggested. Have a go with the 'normal' version of Radio 4.
Gavin, Yes, that works! Thanks,