DAC for a Unitiqute2 - is it a worth considering?
Posted by: Jellyheadjeff on 20 August 2017
Having just installed a muso qb into the kitchen to address the WAF considerations I now have a unitiqute 2 surplus. Was thinking about finally dipping my toe in the streaming larkey water a bit more by adding a streamer to my main hi-fi. Current kit is cds3/xps/nac52/scap/nap135's/Neat Ultimatum MF7's and a synology NAS running Minimserver. All streaming needs are local upnp all off the nas connected via ethernet rather than wi-fi - no interest in subscription services such as tidal, spotify etc. I know it's not what it was intended for but how silly would it be to use the unitiqute as a pure streamer into an external dac and then into the pre-amp? Something like a chord 2qute or similar? Or am I better off trading in the unitqute for a nd5 (maybe an ndx). Even more radical I trade in the cds3 but I am very fond of it. I'm slightly hesitant to pile lots of money into what looks to me like a fast moving world of dacs and streamers. I've even toyed with the idea of a decent resberry pi setup dare I say it.... Are there any options I should auditions i.e dac V1/other makes of dac etc. I was hoping to limit the overall spend to about £1k factoring in any trade ins.