Naim streaming app - is it still problematic?

Posted by: Maughan67 on 08 October 2017

I am on the verge of jumping into a purchase of an ND5 XS. Or maybe an NDS. 

But I keep reading about how awful the Naim streaming app is. As well as being generally less good than the Sonos app/interface, it appears to have constant bugs and become unusable after updates etc. 

I don't want to upgrade my sound (Sonos ZP90-->ND5) at the cost of usability/functionality. 

Is this still an issue, or is the Naim app now sorted and operating as you would expect a Naim product to operate?



Posted on: 28 October 2017 by DomTomLondon

I've been using the Naim iOS app for 4 years with a UnitiQute and now with a SuperUniti. There have been some minor issues along the way, but nothing to worry about. Recently my iPhone 6 final died. Not wanting to pay a small fortune for another Apple smartphone, I managed to get a OnePlus 5 from my work (nice to work for a tech publishing company However I noticed that the Naim app does have a lot of issues on Android. And even though there have been some recent updates to it, it's still a bit buggy. Most recently I noticed that the app will not always recognise when I click on an album in grid view mode.  But have no issue when I'm in list view. It also goes back to the top of the list when I come out of an album folder.