iTunes update has removed app management for iDevices
Posted by: Dungassin on 21 December 2017
My grandkids are always pinching my iphone/ipad to play games which I put on there for them.
Recently I have noticed that many of the games no longer work, saying 'update needed'. So, I duly plugged the iphone6plus into my iMac, fired up itunes, and damn it, but it no longer shows what apps are installed on the phone!
After a bit of head scratching, I searched 'tinternet and found that this functionality has been removed by Apple. PITA. Now you have to manage iDevice apps on the device itself.
I've deleted the offending apps and installed a couple of new (free) games for the kids to play. But why oh why have Apple done this? Are they just trying to make life difficult?
Just off to see if I can still manage the multiple screen layouts from itune on the iMac, just to tidy things up.