Two units one remote
Posted by: Mudhoney on 28 January 2018
Hi I’m currently running a UnitiQute 2 as a preamp to two active studio monitors. If I add an Dac V1 for headphone use and run the digital out from Qute to V1 and hook the monitors to V1 out, can I control both units with a single Naim remote?
They are different remotes, so I suspect that is a no. But anyway running two things from one remote, unless it's designed for that or they are in different locations is always tricky because stopping one of the units from responding to the remote when you want the other unit to do so is very hard (as I know because my UQ2 and 272 are quite close together and in practice I have to turn the other unit off to use the remote with one of them.)
Thanks for the reply. I suspected it would be so, but wanted to be sure. Then it’s not an good idea to use the Qute as a source for the Dac. Well there is always the option of going passive.
The V1 was designed primarily as a USB DAC for computer audio, rather than to play from a streamer - although it also has an SPDIF input, so it should still work. If you were to use it with a computer, it would control the volume of the source (OSX, JRiver, Audirvana, etc.) via its own remote, but this won't work with a Naim streamer as its source. If you really want to do this, it may be worth trying something like a Harmony remote to see if this will work. Otherwise, you'll just have to use the two remotes.
Yes maybe it’s not a good idea. I’m really happy with the Qute but the headphone output is not the best possible.
David Hendon posted:as I know because my UQ2 and 272 are quite close together and in practice I have to turn the other unit off to use the remote with one of them.
Off topic for the original poster... but did you know you can change the remote codes for the UQ2 and/or 272 so they use different systems so that one remote will operate your UQ2 and the other your 272?
(see )
I use a UQ2 and a DAC V1 and the volume and mute both work together from the same remote
Other functions don't
Rattlesnaic posted:I use a UQ2 and a DAC V1 and the volume and mute both work together from the same remote
Do you just set the volume to max. on one remote, and control it with the other? I assume once the DAC is set up, you would only need to control the streamer.
So if I take the digital out from UQ2 there is no volume to control in UQ2 anymore. So I could use the UQ2 remote to change source on UQ2 and volume and mute on Dac V1? Did I get this right?
Thanks Eloise. I did know but I haven't ever got round to changing it (I really only use the remotes if I need to do something you can't do though the app. But thank you for thinking of telling me anyway!
ChrisSU posted:Rattlesnaic posted:I use a UQ2 and a DAC V1 and the volume and mute both work together from the same remote
Do you just set the volume to max. on one remote, and control it with the other? I assume once the DAC is set up, you would only need to control the streamer.
Well no the volumes both go up and down together but as I'm only using the UQ2's digital out it doesn't seem to matter
Okay understood. Still an acceptable solution. Not perfect but acceptable.
Since you run this setup are you only listening on headphones or why you decided to go this route?
I would recommend a harmony remote for this. As you in could easily set it up to control the two devices at the same time.
SimonPeterArnold posted:I would recommend a harmony remote for this. As you in could easily set it up to control the two devices at the same time.
If they both respond to the same volume command from remote you would also need to change the IR codes on one device (see my post above). But if you are just using the UQ’s digital output the “volume” on the UQ wouldn’t matter so just ignore it (though input slection might be screwy but might be able to work around as you can set the UQ to different inout for different remote button presses).
Eloise posted:SimonPeterArnold posted:I would recommend a harmony remote for this. As you in could easily set it up to control the two devices at the same time.
If they both respond to the same volume command from remote you would also need to change the IR codes on one device (see my post above). But if you are just using the UQ’s digital output the “volume” on the UQ wouldn’t matter so just ignore it (though input slection might be screwy but might be able to work around as you can set the UQ to different inout for different remote button presses).
But I don't think there are any problems with the inputs cause I'm using active speakers. I'll just connect the UQ2 from it's digital out to Dac's Digital in (now UQ2 is just a source no volume) and connect my active speakers to Dac's preamp out and I'm set to go. Only thing I need to do for the Dac is Volume (which works from the UQ2 remote) and I'll keep chanching between different inputs on the UQ2 remote.