Another simple question regarding a Stageline N.
Posted by: Massimo Bertola on 28 February 2018
Modern Stagelines have two rear sockets, one 5 pin DIN 240° (to get 24V from and send the signal to the AUX2 of preamps or integrates), one 4 pin DIN 240 (to use with a 4-5 pin DIN IC to take the signal to a normal line input in a pre or integrated).
If I am using an external *cap, and the necessary 4-5 Interconnect, should I take the signal from the Stageline or from the *cap (Flat, Hi, Super)? My idea is from the *cap like in any other similar configuration, and that the 4 pin, 240° DIN out was put in case an iSupply was used, but I'd love to have a clear and sure indication.