Naim Streaming devices and Tidal (firmware updates)
Posted by: Ancipital on 05 April 2018
Recently been getting annoyed at Tidal to the extent that was thinking of canning it.
Work from home a lot so listen to mu-so in the office and it usually stalled for a few seconds in the morning and in the afternoons pretty much gave up as i could normally get about 20 seconds before it stopped entirely. Even wired up ethernet to my mu-so! (NDX is already wired)
Found out that the Tidal server is actually hosted by my ISP so it was only 4 hops and didn't go out onto the internet, was in the process of gathering the information and having a rant at both by ISP and Tidal before cancelling my subscription.
So - updated both mu-so and NDX today and the cut outs and complete streaming stalls have stopped, never had a problem with NAS streaming.
So will see how it pans out now.