Power first not source!!

Posted by: Claus-Thoegersen on 18 August 2018

My latest unwanted upgrades has been all about power, and I am more and more leaning to a view of that source first is dead unless the source is the first powwer cable and your mains block. After a demo at Ansuz acoustics over a year ago, I changed mains block from Isotek to Mainz8D from Ansuz, and that was an improvement. Last year my dealer had a Ansuz Mainz Ceramic power cable, at a  very good price. So the powerline used from the wall socket was changed with the Ceramic cable, proving that the first power cable is the most important one. 2 months back I was at Ansuz again with a group of my Friends, all of them have Naim gear and Audiovector speakers. At that time I heard the new Mainz models, and decided I would try a home demo of the mainz8 c2, even though the idea of spending so much on a power block is hard to justify rationally. When we changed the mainz8 to the c2 model, something strange happened. We had to turn down the volume to listen to the music at the same volume as before. How a passive block can make your system play louder at the same volume setting is really strange. Of course it was not only louder also better, like a box upgrade, and one of the serious upgrades.
Well this should be it  I thought, but a few of mhy friends that was at the Ansuz demo, also wanted to see what Darkz could do under speakers and racks, and play around with power cables.

My dealer is sometimes able to get a good  deal on the Ansuz products but it is still really expensive! Well I had the power cables I needed so no financial problems with a demo, where you spend other people's money, d listen to music and drink beer. That was until my dealer started to change the standard power  cables from the Mainz block to the supercap for the 282 in the system, and afterwards also the Hicap used for the Snaxo used with Audiovector sr6. It was clear that this also was a huge improvement.
Ok so I suddenly needed 2 new power cables for my 2 supercaps since the powerlines now surely sounded  terribly broken! Unfortunately it did not stop there! My dealer suggested we should try a Mainz d2 cable from the wall instead of the c2 modelled that was used. Everybody agreed that we could try this but nobody would ever even think about buying this  cable, not even at a good price. 30 minutes later my friend  decided that  it would be impossible to remove the cable and go back to the old c2 instead.
All of us at this demo yesterday agree that had somebody suggested that we would spend more money on power cables and mains blocks than on our pre and source, we would have dismissed it as madness.
The only problem is that  all 3 of us are going to do that anyway if we can find the money for it.


I was able to get another c2 cable yesterday, so this afternoonI spend time playing music and then changing the powerline on my 252 with the c2 cable. The improvement was bigger than on my friends 282, I would say much bigger. This is probably because of the Mainz8 c2, compared to one of the smaller Mainz models my friend is using, or it could be because the supercap just makes the 252 even better than the 282?  


If you look at the Danish ansuz prices, a c2 power cable and the c2 Mainz8 block cost close to what the nd555 cost, without power supplies!!! However everybody with bigger systems really should try to demo these Ansuz products! it may very well change your upgrade path plans!




Posted on: 20 August 2018 by Ghettoyout

Please keep us informed regarding the Russ Andrews super fuses (assuming you really are going to try some). I think you can always send them back if you do not like what they do.

Posted on: 20 August 2018 by French Rooster
bluedog posted:
French Rooster posted:
TOBYJUG posted:
French Rooster posted:

the ansuz block will not transform the dragonfly into chord dave, even if it enables all the possibilities of the dragonfly.   So i will tend to say source first and power after.

Of course, without power the source could not exist, but it is not like the hen and the egg logic.

It is very much like the hen and egg logic.     Only we are looking at very small hens and very small eggs.  So small in fact that they are both entangled up in a very small hen and egg fight on a very small microscopic level where everything is both hen and egg at the same time.   Not after some considerable time and effort spent searching will you find either one or the other depending on your observational aspect.

the power is source and the source is power.  A source without power is not a source, or just a potential source.   The phenomenon is what the observer has observed as a phenomenon.....but in Reality the phenomenon doesn’t exist, in buddhism.   Perhaps we can invent the philosophical hifi?

I'll have a pint of whatever this guy is drinking please.

sorry if you have not understood, i was just commenting Tobyjug comment on”you will find either one or the other depending on your observational aspect “.   The buddhist philosophy says that what you see exist only because you see it existing as that.     But in Reality, always in buddhism philosophy, things , phenomenons, ...have not individual or inner existence, but are linked to a whole reality.

For your information, i am drinking only water or coffee.   But yes, i was digressing a bit, as Tonyjug.   Anyway it is not easy to say “ source first” or “power first” because a source without power can’t work and the better the quality of power, the better the source.

Posted on: 20 August 2018 by BPW

I have a 552, 500 system fronted by a one week old ND555 all on Fraim and Ovator S600’s. I am running Chord Music Din/Din, Din/XLR and speaker cables. 

Last winter I was considering adding a second 555DR to my then NDS. My dealer suggested I try Ansuz power cables and distribution block as another alternative. I was frankly skeptical and unprepared for ithe mprovement Ansuz has made in my system . I hesitate to tell you I was astonished by what I heard. Pretty much all the attributes I am enjoying in my week old  ND555 were present with the addition of Ansuz power  cords and distribution. I really had no idea of what my system was capable of . If you have a open mind and like what you are hearing in the ND555 I would suggest you give Ansuz a try  I think  it’s a demo well worth making .

Posted on: 20 August 2018 by Octa_dyn

My thoughts exactly.

Posted on: 20 August 2018 by rjstaines
BPW posted:

I have a 552, 500 system fronted by a one week old ND555 all on Fraim and Ovator S600’s. I am running Chord Music Din/Din, Din/XLR and speaker cables. 

Last winter I was considering adding a second 555DR to my then NDS. My dealer suggested I try Ansuz power cables and distribution block as another alternative. I was frankly skeptical and unprepared for ithe mprovement Ansuz has made in my system . I hesitate to tell you I was astonished by what I heard. Pretty much all the attributes I am enjoying in my week old  ND555 were present with the addition of Ansuz power  cords and distribution. I really had no idea of what my system was capable of . If you have a open mind and like what you are hearing in the ND555 I would suggest you give Ansuz a try  I think  it’s a demo well worth making .

Which particular model, and which particular dealer, BPW ?

A quick Google shows they have a large number of zeros after the $ sign, but I haven't seen the £UK prices as yet.

Posted on: 20 August 2018 by BPW

I am in the US. My dealer is Tyler at Next Level audio, who happens to be the new dealer for Kudos for North America.

I tried most of the Ansuz cables and eventually settled on the C2 power cables for amp, preamp and streamer all going into a Mainz 8 D2 distribution block. Also a C2 power cord from the wall to distribution block.. 

Excuse me for a moment while I put on my Nomex fire suit....... ah that’s better. if you already own a 500 level system the magnitude of the improvement is not out of line with the cost. And is easily on par with a box upgrade or two.Even if you find that impossible to believe (I did!) it would be informative to listen for yourself!


Posted on: 20 August 2018 by Sounsfaber

I just feel sorry you guys are not aloud to piggy back your wall plugs into a mains spur????

Posted on: 20 August 2018 by French Rooster

anzus are not the only one to make state of the art power cords or blocks.  There is siltech or kharma.   The top kharma power block costs 20 k.   But of course i don’t know which one is better and how it compares to anzus.   Here in France some tested kharma with naim and were very impressed.

Posted on: 20 August 2018 by wenger2015

In my experience cables and interconnects can make a significant difference, unfortunately I have so far never discovered a low cost cable that is able to produce significant improvements ....

cables that are exceptionally good usually come at a high cost.... that’s because they work, they can be compared to a black box upgrade.

personally I would love to give the Ansuz power cables and distribution block a try....

Posted on: 20 August 2018 by spurrier sucks

I hate this thread. lol. Damn it George! Shame on you bringing this here and having others agree with you. 

Posted on: 20 August 2018 by Octa_dyn

John you pointed here don't forget. Listen buddy cables are real. Did you see Drew's response with the AQ Thunder? Are they worth it for you? That's the billion dollar question. Ask Tyler for a 14 day demo of the X power cord. The worse he will say is NO. BTW Tyler will not sell any power cord less than 2M.

Posted on: 20 August 2018 by spurrier sucks
Octa_dyn posted:

John you pointed here don't forget. Listen buddy cables are real. Did you see Drew's response with the AQ Thunder? Are they worth it for you? That's the billion dollar question. Ask Tyler for a 14 day demo of the X power cord. The worse he will say is NO. BTW Tyler will not sell any power cord less than 2M.

Lol I did. I have 2 powerlines but I am considering a Mainz8 for a future upgrade. I've considered it in the past when I had my Uniti 2 so that may be a nice demo at least. Maybe I'll forget about trying Octave and try Ansuz instead. 

Posted on: 20 August 2018 by Octa_dyn

In my honest opinion I would say the Ansuz cables will be a bigger difference. That said I never tried Ansuz with the Octave only because Ansuz was just getting started when I traded it in. Also the Octave is a heat generator. In the summer months my A/C would not cycle until I put the Octave in standby. But then again my thermostat was only about 10' away. Rhettard never had a problem driving his C4 sig's with the Octave but once he got the D2's his V80 fell apart when pushing the volume. Then he got the SN2 and it worked a lot better at extreme volumes.

Posted on: 20 August 2018 by Claus-Thoegersen

I am close to finding a financial solution to fund the Ansuz upgrade. So next monday it is planned that I will get C cables on all the power ssuppplies, and changing a C cable from the wal with a D cable. It will be extremely interesting to hear what a C cable will do on my 555 on the Ndac. I have a feeling that you get more on the bigger supplies, after the imrpovements I heard Friday on a 282. Well I am probably just writing the  first post over again!


Posted on: 20 August 2018 by Claus-Thoegersen
analogmusic posted:

Statement amplifier ships with Naim powerlines

Since that is what Steve Sells voiced it with, that’s the Referance standard for Naim and also... for me. 


Naim my have more expensive cables in development you cannot know, like the nd555. It is not likely that Naim will indorse a compeditor in the cables market, and if they are working on a distribution block. But you are never going to get the same as Naim did. Your do not have the speakers used, and you do not know if Naim used different speakers with the Statement. Also you do not have Naim's demo room available. The ansuz upgrades does not change anything you just get of what the gear can deliver, both in resolution details, and also in the famous prat. Even on bad recordings, internet radio with rather low bitrates the modern compressed tracks just sounds better or less uggly.



Posted on: 21 August 2018 by Perol
spurrier sucks posted:
analogmusic posted:
Claus-Thoegersen posted:
analogmusic posted:

Sorry but I’m not going to pay ND555 prices for mains products


Exactly how we all feel about it, but you should try to hear these Ansuz  products, nobody likes to spend this money on wires and a box, but  people end up doing it anyway because of the sq you get for the money. 


Time is money. Not going to audition something I will never buy. 

But what if Chord made it?

It would not be Naim intended

Posted on: 21 August 2018 by TOBYJUG
French Rooster posted:
bluedog posted:
French Rooster posted:
TOBYJUG posted:
French Rooster posted:

the ansuz block will not transform the dragonfly into chord dave, even if it enables all the possibilities of the dragonfly.   So i will tend to say source first and power after.

Of course, without power the source could not exist, but it is not like the hen and the egg logic.

It is very much like the hen and egg logic.     Only we are looking at very small hens and very small eggs.  So small in fact that they are both entangled up in a very small hen and egg fight on a very small microscopic level where everything is both hen and egg at the same time.   Not after some considerable time and effort spent searching will you find either one or the other depending on your observational aspect.

the power is source and the source is power.  A source without power is not a source, or just a potential source.   The phenomenon is what the observer has observed as a phenomenon.....but in Reality the phenomenon doesn’t exist, in buddhism.   Perhaps we can invent the philosophical hifi?

I'll have a pint of whatever this guy is drinking please.

sorry if you have not understood, i was just commenting Tobyjug comment on”you will find either one or the other depending on your observational aspect “.   The buddhist philosophy says that what you see exist only because you see it existing as that.     But in Reality, always in buddhism philosophy, things , phenomenons, ...have not individual or inner existence, but are linked to a whole reality.

For your information, i am drinking only water or coffee.   But yes, i was digressing a bit, as Tonyjug.   Anyway it is not easy to say “ source first” or “power first” because a source without power can’t work and the better the quality of power, the better the source.

My comment was based more around Schrodinger's conundrum of the dead cat in the box.   

Posted on: 21 August 2018 by Wugged Woy

Guys, just buy a Hydra and be done with it. They work great.........................

Posted on: 21 August 2018 by TOBYJUG
Wugged Woy posted:

Guys, just buy a Hydra and be done with it. They work great.........................

Guys, if you could put a great power cable in everything instead of multiple power supplies, you wouldn't need a Hydra....... 

Posted on: 21 August 2018 by rjstaines
TOBYJUG posted:
French Rooster posted:
bluedog posted:
French Rooster posted:
TOBYJUG posted:
French Rooster posted:

the ansuz block will not transform the dragonfly into chord dave, even if it enables all the possibilities of the dragonfly.   So i will tend to say source first and power after.

Of course, without power the source could not exist, but it is not like the hen and the egg logic.

It is very much like the hen and egg logic.     Only we are looking at very small hens and very small eggs.  So small in fact that they are both entangled up in a very small hen and egg fight on a very small microscopic level where everything is both hen and egg at the same time.   Not after some considerable time and effort spent searching will you find either one or the other depending on your observational aspect.

the power is source and the source is power.  A source without power is not a source, or just a potential source.   The phenomenon is what the observer has observed as a phenomenon.....but in Reality the phenomenon doesn’t exist, in buddhism.   Perhaps we can invent the philosophical hifi?

I'll have a pint of whatever this guy is drinking please.

sorry if you have not understood, i was just commenting Tobyjug comment on”you will find either one or the other depending on your observational aspect “.   The buddhist philosophy says that what you see exist only because you see it existing as that.     But in Reality, always in buddhism philosophy, things , phenomenons, ...have not individual or inner existence, but are linked to a whole reality.

For your information, i am drinking only water or coffee.   But yes, i was digressing a bit, as Tonyjug.   Anyway it is not easy to say “ source first” or “power first” because a source without power can’t work and the better the quality of power, the better the source.

My comment was based more around Schrodinger's conundrum of the dead cat in the box.   

I'd rather like to know if any cats were harmed during the development of this conundrum back in 1935.

And never mind cats in steel boxes, how about cats sleeping on top of warm black aluminium boxes... would they be harmed?    Mine has only ever done it once, and now has 8 lives remaining.

Posted on: 21 August 2018 by Innocent Bystander
rjstaines posted:


And never mind cats in steel boxes, how about cats sleeping on top of warm black aluminium boxes... would they be harmed?    Mine has only ever done it once, and now has 8 lives remaining.

I don’t think it would hurt the cat at all - and if the amp gets too warm they’ll eventually stretch and mave to try to squeeze beside it instead...

Posted on: 21 August 2018 by French Rooster
rjstaines posted:
TOBYJUG posted:
French Rooster posted:
bluedog posted:
French Rooster posted:
TOBYJUG posted:
French Rooster posted:

the ansuz block will not transform the dragonfly into chord dave, even if it enables all the possibilities of the dragonfly.   So i will tend to say source first and power after.

Of course, without power the source could not exist, but it is not like the hen and the egg logic.

It is very much like the hen and egg logic.     Only we are looking at very small hens and very small eggs.  So small in fact that they are both entangled up in a very small hen and egg fight on a very small microscopic level where everything is both hen and egg at the same time.   Not after some considerable time and effort spent searching will you find either one or the other depending on your observational aspect.

the power is source and the source is power.  A source without power is not a source, or just a potential source.   The phenomenon is what the observer has observed as a phenomenon.....but in Reality the phenomenon doesn’t exist, in buddhism.   Perhaps we can invent the philosophical hifi?

I'll have a pint of whatever this guy is drinking please.

sorry if you have not understood, i was just commenting Tobyjug comment on”you will find either one or the other depending on your observational aspect “.   The buddhist philosophy says that what you see exist only because you see it existing as that.     But in Reality, always in buddhism philosophy, things , phenomenons, ...have not individual or inner existence, but are linked to a whole reality.

For your information, i am drinking only water or coffee.   But yes, i was digressing a bit, as Tonyjug.   Anyway it is not easy to say “ source first” or “power first” because a source without power can’t work and the better the quality of power, the better the source.

My comment was based more around Schrodinger's conundrum of the dead cat in the box.   

I'd rather like to know if any cats were harmed during the development of this conundrum back in 1935.

And never mind cats in steel boxes, how about cats sleeping on top of warm black aluminium boxes... would they be harmed?    Mine has only ever done it once, and now has 8 lives remaining.

if you remove the power, the cat will go away.   So if you love your cat, buy him the best power cables you can afford.   Perhaps, if you go to a dealer with your cat, your cat will choose the right power cable between anzus, nordost or kharma.

Someone will write” tell me what this guy has drunken?”

Posted on: 21 August 2018 by TOBYJUG
French Rooster posted:
rjstaines posted:
TOBYJUG posted:
French Rooster posted:
bluedog posted:
French Rooster posted:
TOBYJUG posted:
French Rooster posted:

the ansuz block will not transform the dragonfly into chord dave, even if it enables all the possibilities of the dragonfly.   So i will tend to say source first and power after.

Of course, without power the source could not exist, but it is not like the hen and the egg logic.

It is very much like the hen and egg logic.     Only we are looking at very small hens and very small eggs.  So small in fact that they are both entangled up in a very small hen and egg fight on a very small microscopic level where everything is both hen and egg at the same time.   Not after some considerable time and effort spent searching will you find either one or the other depending on your observational aspect.

the power is source and the source is power.  A source without power is not a source, or just a potential source.   The phenomenon is what the observer has observed as a phenomenon.....but in Reality the phenomenon doesn’t exist, in buddhism.   Perhaps we can invent the philosophical hifi?

I'll have a pint of whatever this guy is drinking please.

sorry if you have not understood, i was just commenting Tobyjug comment on”you will find either one or the other depending on your observational aspect “.   The buddhist philosophy says that what you see exist only because you see it existing as that.     But in Reality, always in buddhism philosophy, things , phenomenons, ...have not individual or inner existence, but are linked to a whole reality.

For your information, i am drinking only water or coffee.   But yes, i was digressing a bit, as Tonyjug.   Anyway it is not easy to say “ source first” or “power first” because a source without power can’t work and the better the quality of power, the better the source.

My comment was based more around Schrodinger's conundrum of the dead cat in the box.   

I'd rather like to know if any cats were harmed during the development of this conundrum back in 1935.

And never mind cats in steel boxes, how about cats sleeping on top of warm black aluminium boxes... would they be harmed?    Mine has only ever done it once, and now has 8 lives remaining.

if you remove the power, the cat will go away.   So if you love your cat, buy him the best power cables you can afford.   Perhaps, if you go to a dealer with your cat, your cat will choose the right power cable between anzus, nordost or kharma.

Someone will write” tell me what this guy has drunken?”

But what if the cat had died sleeping on the warm black box ? Eventually it would have dried up and would have made an effective acoustic diffuser hung up on the wall, further improving the effect of a great power cable.

Posted on: 21 August 2018 by French Rooster

so better not choose a very effective power cable or the cat will burn...

Posted on: 21 August 2018 by spurrier sucks
French Rooster posted:
rjstaines posted:
TOBYJUG posted:
French Rooster posted:
bluedog posted:
French Rooster posted:
TOBYJUG posted:
French Rooster posted:

the ansuz block will not transform the dragonfly into chord dave, even if it enables all the possibilities of the dragonfly.   So i will tend to say source first and power after.

Of course, without power the source could not exist, but it is not like the hen and the egg logic.

It is very much like the hen and egg logic.     Only we are looking at very small hens and very small eggs.  So small in fact that they are both entangled up in a very small hen and egg fight on a very small microscopic level where everything is both hen and egg at the same time.   Not after some considerable time and effort spent searching will you find either one or the other depending on your observational aspect.

the power is source and the source is power.  A source without power is not a source, or just a potential source.   The phenomenon is what the observer has observed as a phenomenon.....but in Reality the phenomenon doesn’t exist, in buddhism.   Perhaps we can invent the philosophical hifi?

I'll have a pint of whatever this guy is drinking please.

sorry if you have not understood, i was just commenting Tobyjug comment on”you will find either one or the other depending on your observational aspect “.   The buddhist philosophy says that what you see exist only because you see it existing as that.     But in Reality, always in buddhism philosophy, things , phenomenons, ...have not individual or inner existence, but are linked to a whole reality.

For your information, i am drinking only water or coffee.   But yes, i was digressing a bit, as Tonyjug.   Anyway it is not easy to say “ source first” or “power first” because a source without power can’t work and the better the quality of power, the better the source.

My comment was based more around Schrodinger's conundrum of the dead cat in the box.   

I'd rather like to know if any cats were harmed during the development of this conundrum back in 1935.

And never mind cats in steel boxes, how about cats sleeping on top of warm black aluminium boxes... would they be harmed?    Mine has only ever done it once, and now has 8 lives remaining.

if you remove the power, the cat will go away.   So if you love your cat, buy him the best power cables you can afford.   Perhaps, if you go to a dealer with your cat, your cat will choose the right power cable between anzus, nordost or kharma.

Someone will write” tell me what this guy has drunken?”

This is why a home demo is a must. The cat feels more comfortable at home and less likely to die but still choose the best poet cord for himself.