HDMI to SPDIF switch
Posted by: analogmusic on 08 September 2018
Hello all,
I use a chord Mojo for AV duties, but as it only has one optical input, it is quite inconvenient to keep switching optical cables between by Cable TV optical out and apple TV (for netflix).
I was doing some research (on the Naim forum) on what to do.... and I think [@mention:1566878603985147] mentioned he uses a few Octava devices for this with his AV2 (similar to what I am trying to achieve).
There are a number of such units on Amazon made by other companies, but not really sure of their quality. They are quite a lot cheaper than Octava, but I guess maybe one pays for quality.
Before I place an order for the Octava, any advice from other forum members using any such devices is much appreciated - whether Octava or not.