Forum keeps logging me out

Posted by: kevin J Carden on 11 September 2018

Sorry to use a post for this but I can’t see an abvious way to contact Richard Dane privately. 

Ive recently changed location / moved home. Before moving I would remain logged it seemed at all times. Now, if I navigate away to another webpage I am invariably logged out when I return to the Naim forums. Wondering what I may be doing wrong? Very tiresome to have to keep logging in each time..

Posted on: 11 September 2018 by Clay Bingham

Did the new location mean a change in internet provider? If yes, check those security settings. Did you update your system operating system recently. I did with my iPad and played with a couple of settings because the new system seemed to be ad happy. I then started having trouble with my wesites logging me out. Went back into settings-safari-privacy security and let the system send me cookies, cross platform cookies, and have dibs on my first grandchild. Now, all is well.

Posted on: 12 September 2018 by kevin J Carden
Clay Bingham posted:

Did the new location mean a change in internet provider? If yes, check those security settings. Did you update your system operating system recently. I did with my iPad and played with a couple of settings because the new system seemed to be ad happy. I then started having trouble with my wesites logging me out. Went back into settings-safari-privacy security and let the system send me cookies, cross platform cookies, and have dibs on my first grandchild. Now, all is well.

Thanks Clay. That makes sense. Yes, I changed internet provider and I’m now with Sky Broadband. I’ll look into settings etc.. Good call I think. Thanks, Kevin

Posted on: 12 September 2018 by Adam Zielinski

If you are on an iPad make sure you are not browsing in a ‘Private’ mode.

Posted on: 12 September 2018 by Richard Dane

Kevin, I don't think it's anything coming from the forum that's causing the problem. As others have suggested, check your privacy settings and also ensure that you clear your cache and cookies after making changes.