XPS - opinions please. Is it better on CDX2 or NDAC?
Posted by: MikeSpoor on 05 October 2018
What do people find best - adding XPS to the CDX2 or NDAC?
Currently my CDX2 goes via Audioquest Wel into the NDAC and out via Superlumina to a 282 and 250 both powered by a Supercap. Speakers are Spendor D7s.
The NDAC also channels my TV/DAB/DVD-BluRay so during an evening I can switch between and enjoy one to another - movies, DAB radio and TV with various Audioquest interconnects (appropriate to the equipment) into the DAC and nevertheless sound glorious.
For pure meditative music the CDX2 is what I choose. However, good sound makes the others an enhanced pleasure too. So when I get the XPS I wonder whether to "spread' the qualitative improvement across the board by powering the DAC. OR keep the CD experience pure and exclusive -- enhancing that to the full.
Do you think the 'general' improvement for all inputs via the DAC+XPS is slightly better option than just for the CDX2?