Involuntry singing even though you can't sing?

Posted by: Stephen Tate on 07 October 2018

Hi all,

I have managed to find myself in a bit of an embarrassing situation when SWMBO caught me involuntary singing out loud to an Madonna song, crikey I've never done that before, I mean it was like a real have ago 'X factor' audition style stuff!!

This has got me thinking...does this mean that my system is in full fettle?  because I have never been one for singing, a bit of air guitaring maybe, when alone, but never singing out load and to a Madonna song too!

Thing is I could not help myself and I feel a little shocked by it to say the least! 

Just thought i'd share this bizarre moment because I now feel a little stupid.

How many of you out there have been caught out in a similar situation?

Happy Listening!


Posted on: 07 October 2018 by nigelb

I sometime sing a little tune to myself (and usually am quite content with my rendition) and then the wife will pipe up...'what did you say'?

I reply indignantly.....'I was singing dear'!

Then I get this face from my beloved > , followed by her asking.....'Is that what it was'.

As always, I overestimate my talent. Or......has the wife not yet recognised the true genius under her own feet?


Posted on: 07 October 2018 by Paper Plane

I am incapable of not singing along with songs I know on the radio. Then 5 year old granddaughter says from the back of the car, "Please stop singing  Grandad."


Posted on: 07 October 2018 by Huge
nigelb posted:
Or......has the wife not yet recognised the true genius under her own feet thumb?


Posted on: 08 October 2018 by Innocent Bystander

I do it sometimes sing at live gigs (but inaudibly,  more mouthing the words, and anyway drowned by the music), and similarly sometimes at home,  but usually only when playing loud. Never to music I don’t like!

As an aside, what idiot invented karaoke in pubs? Bad enough drunk people singing, but give them a microphone and encourage them???!!!  Fortunatly its popularity seems on the wane.

Posted on: 08 October 2018 by Eoink

Having lived alone for a couple of years now, I’ve got into the habit of singing along with music playing when the mood grabs me. As I have a voice like Jeremy Hardy (which’ll mean something to ISIHAC listeners), I need to be very careful to not do so when other people are around.

Posted on: 10 October 2018 by Stephen Tate

I suppose one knows when the system is singing it's little heart out when you actually catch SWMBO 'air guitaring' to The Jam ! 

Posted on: 10 October 2018 by Romi
Stephen Tate posted:

Hi all,

I have managed to find myself in a bit of an embarrassing situation when SWMBO caught me involuntary singing out loud to an Madonna song, crikey I've never done that before, I mean it was like a real have ago 'X factor' audition style stuff!!

This has got me thinking...does this mean that my system is in full fettle?  because I have never been one for singing, a bit of air guitaring maybe, when alone, but never singing out load and to a Madonna song too!

Thing is I could not help myself and I feel a little shocked by it to say the least! 

Just thought i'd share this bizarre moment because I now feel a little stupid.

How many of you out there have been caught out in a similar situation?

Happy Listening!


Its just a Freudian slip..!