Quadraspire QPlus Reference interfaces…….eh?

Posted by: MDS on 22 October 2018

Yes, it’s a bit of a mouthful isn’t it?

In plain-speak they go under the feet of equipment and were, I believe, developed primarily for those people who can’t accommodate dedicated racks and instead have to place their hi-fi boxes on shelves and furniture etc. but want some of the isolation benefits of a rack.  

I came to discover this new product when I was contemplating trying a CD555.  I have two stacks of Quadraspire SVT with bronze spike upgrades supporting the top shelves on each rack, both of which are bamboo.  Experimentation in the past has shown that my pre-amp and its power supply sound best from being sited on the top two shelves were the isolation benefit is greatest. So the prospective arrival of a CD555 presented a problem because it has to be on the top shelve because of its CD lid.  This posed a problem as regards the siting of my 552 as we didn’t want to reduce its performance and I didn’t like the prospect of having to change my racks.  So my dealer got his thinking cap on and having chatted to his contact at Quadraspire obtained a prototype set of the QPlus ref interfaces to try in my system.  I had never heard of them until this point.

Come the day when my dealer brought around the CD555 head-unit for my home demo he also brought with him the prototype QPlus.  Before we did anything with the CD555, we played a familiar song on the system ‘as is’ then took out the bamboo SVT with the bronze spikes on my brain rack, put the 552 on the ordinary SVT shelf but with the QPlus under each of its feet (this was achieved in about 30 secs) and then played the song again.  Outcome - neither of us could any difference. In other words, the addition of the QPlus had negated the potential deterioration of moving the 552 to a ‘lesser’ shelf.  This was a real result because it meant we could then proceed with the installation on the rack of the CD555 for the week’s long demo confident that I would only be hearing the difference that the CD555 made.  The consequences of that are described in ‘The benefits of being a dinosaur thread’ so I shall not repeat them here. Suffice to say that I later confirmed I wanted to buy the CD555 head unit and I ordered a set of QPlus Ref to go under the 552. Here’s picture of one under the 552:

Fast forward a week or two and my QPlus arrived.  Since I had decided to keep the CD555 my dealer wanted to do a full two-rack rebuild to ensure spacing and cable dressing were optimal. At the end of all that, with the CD555 fully installed and the new set of QPlus under the 552, we sat back and admired and listened to the newly stacked system.  Very nice it sounded, too.  

But ……there were the prototype QPlus on the carpet, now unused and staring at us.  Well, what were we to do? Experiment, of course.  Let’s see what if any difference would we hear if we now placed that set under the PSU of the 300?  We needed a reference, so LZIII came out and I pressed play on Since I’ve Been Loving You.  Sounded great.  Then the QPlus went under the feet of the 300PSU. I pressed play again: blimey, listen to that bass guitar!  Rather  surprised, the QPlus were then removed from under the 300PSU and put instead under the 300 head unit. Pressed play again: now Jimmy Page’s lead guitar sounded better.  This is uncanny.  I decided I needed another set of QPlus and my dealer left me with the prototype set under the 300’s PSU. After listening for about another hour I concluded I actually needed another two sets. Well, it wouldn’t be fair on the 300 to have only one of its boxes treated to a set, would it?

Being such a new product the extra two sets took a few weeks to arrive.  My dealer brought them around straight-away, the whole package from Quadraspire not yet opened. In it was the dealer’s new demo set.  So with the two new sets under each box of the 300 in place we listened again. Yep, the cumulative uplift was very nice.

But…. then we noticed the 555PSDR looking at us saying ‘hey, why am I being left out? So the dealer’s brand new demo set were unpacked and popped under the feet of the 555PS.  We sat back for another listen.  Bl**dy hell! This improvement was even bigger than both sets under the 300!? These things just had no right to provide an uplift of this scale and it was blindingly obvious to both us about 10 secs into track.

The dealer’s demo set didn’t leave the house.  

I’ll post a picture of the two stacks with the four sets in place soon so you can see that they are hardly obtrusive. I have no idea of how these QPlus things do what they do. Maybe they’ve got some fairy dust sealed deep within each puck. But I do know that they have significantly improved the performance of all of my black boxes sat on the standard SVT and I can recommend them.    

Posted on: 06 January 2019 by MDS
spurrier sucks posted:

Are these needed under a streamer, 272, or are they intended for CD players and TT? What about amps and PS?

The Quadraspire wall shelf illustrated by Kevin-W is intended for turntables.  There are similar shelves for racks, including the bronze spike upgrades shown in the picture, for the black boxes.      

Posted on: 06 January 2019 by spurrier sucks
MDS posted:
spurrier sucks posted:

Are these needed under a streamer, 272, or are they intended for CD players and TT? What about amps and PS?

The Quadraspire wall shelf illustrated by Kevin-W is intended for turntables.  There are similar shelves for racks, including the bronze spike upgrades shown in the picture, for the black boxes.      

The original post was about the “pucks” so I was referring to those. Just not sure if those are intended for CD players and TT or other boxes as well. Are there any moving parts in a 272 like there is with a CD player? Just checking if it would be worth a try with a set for the 272. 

Posted on: 06 January 2019 by MDS

Yes. Worth trying under a 272 IMO. I found they gave a benefit under all of the black boxes I tried, the greatest being PSUs. I don't think they are intended for turntables, though.