Confused by upgrade options...

Posted by: jme on 06 November 2018

Hi all,

I hope you might be able to offer some, let’s say, guidance. I’ll try to be thorough so as not to be too ambiguous in requirements.

I have got myself a little confused, unfortunately this is mostly self inflicted by budget requirements and buying second hand. Short Story is that is means it’s tricky to demo anything.

I have;

Rega Planar 3 (current model + neo psu) & TV into UQ2 to Focal Aria 906. 

This is in 4x5m living room. Thick carpet and lots of furniture and suspended wooden floorboards. The system resides in a bay window firing up the long length. One side is fireplace with alcoves either side, the other is a sofa. I cannot bring the speakers too far into the room, only approx 25cm from back wall and 20cm from side this is the angled wall of the bay so closer at the rear of the speaker. They are approx 2m apart and 3m to listening seat. 

I mainly listen to vinyl, iradio and stream Tidal/Spotify Premium. I have lots of music (mainly flac) sitting on an old hard drive doing nothing which would be nice to have access to (obviously a NAS but haven’t added yet).

With fairly well produced music this sounds pretty good. When I move to anything fast paced it seems to get a bit muddied and lacks dynamics on passages I know well. I do like a bit of rock and metal from time to time and it seems to struggle with the pace. Not sure if this is uq2 or speakers? I don’t listen very loud due to neighbours, usually my qute is at 35-40 and only if I know they are out to I push up to 45-50 on the volume.

I have approx £1500 to spend currently. The less the better really as anything saved will go towards further upgrades. I am thinking electronics first, then speakers. 

I listened to some ATC SCM 11 that were very good. Uq2 isn’t powerful enough for these. I also want to try some others including kudos, proac  and harbeth.

before this I want the electronics sorted. 

Options I think I have and am confused by which is a better route. 

1) Add Nap 200/200DR - Nap200 better financially but likely to need servicing so pushes price up to nearer DR. I probably won’t ever upgrade streamer section as too pricey so not sure if this is worth it. 

2) buy Superuniti and sell qute - Prob cheapest/quickest/easiest. Some descriptions of sound signature confuse me if this is the best option compared to above and below options  

3) sell qute for Nait Xs or xs2 and add auralic Aries mini and maybe chord mojo later. 

4) sell qute for supernait and auralic Aries mini and maybe mojo later

5) add non-naim power amp. Maybe Exposure 3010s2 or similar. 

options 3&4, I might leave the tv unconnected and just get a soundbar for it. 

Be interested to hear any thoughts on direction as I can’t seem to see the wood for the trees at this point. 


Thanks for reading this far and any input anyone might be able to give. 

Posted on: 06 November 2018 by The Strat (Fender)


As good as good as the  UQ2 is I think this is your weakest link - probably.   

I think 3 is your best option with a streaming option.  

What phono stage do you have?

Good luck.


Posted on: 06 November 2018 by Ardbeg10y

The SuperNait 1 has digital inputs which means you can connect the TV. The chord mojo pairs well with the SuperNait 1. I'm sure it also works well on the SuperNait 2 however I've not tried that. The SuperNaits have much more power than the UQ this does ensure that you can drive a wider range of loudspeakers in the future.

For streaming I would go the Raspberry Pi + Allo Digione route. It does all you need. You can run the Allo DigiOne directly in the SuperNait 1 since the SN1 has a Dac. Later you can add a Chord dac, or even the Naim nDac.

My advice: get the best amp you can and build the rest around it. If you were a vinyl only or cd only guy, that advice would be different but since you connect multiple sources, the Amp is most important.

Posted on: 06 November 2018 by jme

Thanks both. 

Phono - Im currently using a Schiit Mani. I also have a Heed Questar MM + Q-PSU that will likely go back in. 

Interesting that you’ve both gone option 3/4. This is where I’m leaning as likely better than the qute in terms of both pre and power, then I just need to use the simplest streaming approach for now. Probably allows most flexibility going forward. 

Good point on supernait, it’s the SN2 that loses the dac and it’s probably out of price range. 


Posted on: 08 November 2018 by Christopher_M

Focal Aria 926, maybe.

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by Antonio1

Have a comprehensive view on ultimate plan.

ELectronic  first is fine but to be chosen once you know exactly which speakers to be matched to.

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by spurrier sucks

I currently have a Qute. It’s my second one. My first one was a UQ2 that I used as source into Dynaudio XEO 3. I sold it and bought an Auralic Aries Mini and it worked great. Wish I would have never sold the AAM as they no longer sell them hers in the US. I know this because I bought a SN1 a few months back and was going to use an AAM as source into that. Instead I found my current Qute at a great price and bought that to use as source into my SN1. That worked well but again I felt I was wasteing the Qute so I tried it by itself and actually preferred it to the SN1. I sold off the SN1 and have been enjoying the Qute. That said I am considering adding a 200, as are you, or a 100. I haven’t had a SU but have owned a Uniti 2 for a couple of years and really enjoyed it. I’m sure the SU would just as or more enjoyable. I have also owned an XS 2, twice, with a ND 5 XS and could have lived with that for happily for many years. However I got a great deal on my 272/XPSDR/250DR and haven’t considered upgrading since. All that said I like options 1,2 and 3. If you go for one you can always save up and add a 272 later which I think is a great piece of kit. Option 2 gives you a simple 1 box solution. Option 3 has a really fun amp. I’m sure I’ll end up with another XS 2 at some point. I liked it much more than I liked the SN1 I had and sold. You have 3 great options but you could also add a 100 to the Qute and save a bit of cash too. Those 906 aren’t that power hungry I don’t think. 

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by jme

Thank you. Not sure that helped haha. Far too many options in this game! 

Antonio1 - that being said. How can I know what speakers will work if I don’t have the electronics and can’t  audition the speakers at dealers as they won’t  hold s/h electronics? Even if I tried the speakers at home, I’d be trying with a uq2 which May mean I end up with the wrong sound? 

I think that made sense, to me at least. 

I’m looking at s/h costs. SN is approx £1400 ish. XS2 approx £1300 ish and XS approx £800. 

With either Xs route I’d have to add a dac and say auralic mini or bluesound node 2. 

With SN I can just get Mini and use built in dac (for now) 

the xs2 appeals as it is more recent technology, but not sure if it’s worth only £100 less than SN and then end cost is more currently as I’d have to include dac now rather than later. 

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by spurrier sucks

After thinking about it add a 200 then a 202 and use the Qute as source. That way you have more upgrade options to drive you nuts in the future. Enjoy the ride!

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by jme

That’s probably too many boxes I’m afraid, I can handle integrated plus small streamer. 

As it’s a lounge and not a dedicated listening room there will be a point of diminishing returns too. 

Got a baby joining us in approx 4 weeks so that will require a small electric fence in front of any equipment I have too  

i think I could just get a nap200 and add an Aries mini / node 2 and a dac, somehow that doesn’t appeal as much as an integrated though. 

As I say, too many options. Not the worst problem to have though. 

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by Skinnypuppy71

Hi jme...have you considered that you could be Barking up the wrong tree...and it ain't your electronics or speakers that's the issue..but ultimately the recordings that are of poor amount of upgrading is going to correct such issues and in fact will probably make those thin sounding metal and rock albums you like even say well recorded stuff sounds pretty good in your opening post....just a thought!

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by spurrier sucks

UQ2/200 would be a fine system. One that I’m considering if I upgrade my Totem Mites. If you have the option of SuperUniti I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with that. I had no issues with my Uniti 2 other than the need to upgrade. Lol. 

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by hungryhalibut

Here is an idea for you. Get a 155XS and add it to the Qute. Then swap the Qute for a 172XS. That’s two boxes that will do it all. Then, if you still want more, try alternative speakers. Small floorstanders are safer than small stand mounts with a toddler about - get some with grilles that cannot be pulled off easily or which can be fixed on with elastic. Been there!

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by jme

Hi Skinny, 

Yes, I agree for the bad stuff it won't mask anything, i think Tool is mastered pretty well though generally and even that doesn't quite sound right.

Even some stuff like Santana or Miles Davis just doesn't quite have the dynamics or soundstage I know it should.

I think the suspended floor doesn't help but on quick sections where there is a lot going on it just all gets a bit much for the qute, i feel.

I should probably go demo an xs2 or supernait 2 with same source material to make sure it will make a difference. However, I am sure it will, and with better recordings and the flac files I have to potentially go on AAM or NAS it should be better again?

As I say, it's not volume, more grip and control that I feel is missing.

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by jme

Thanks HH, yeah, I was looking at something like a kudos x2/3 or neat equivalent although need to try first. 

Local dealer was a bit lacklustre about 172 so I dismissed it. How would 172/155 play out against mojo & SN, if you've heard?

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by hungryhalibut

Sorry but I know nothing of these Chord DACs. Some seem to love them while others don’t. I’m all for simplicity, which is why I thought of the 172/155. It’s like a Qute but better, and being superseded it’s affordable. The other way is a used ND5XS and a Nait XS2. Both will be jolly nice, with some well chosen speakers. I’ve never heard a Focal speaker I’ve liked, but the Neat Motive 2 variants are nice. 

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by jme

Thanks, they stock Neat & Naim very locally, they don't seem to be carrying xs2 but might be able to try with other options to get a flavour.


Posted on: 08 November 2018 by Timo

I can vouch for an XS2/ND5XS — it’s a very capable combination. Really enjoyed!! Having said this, I have recently sold the combo when we moved into rented accommodation. In a weak moment, my wife agreed to an upgrade (probably an SN2 and a Chord DAC) when we move into our new house. So I quickly sold the black boxes, and creates facts...  

Sometimes though I wonder whether I should have kept the XS2 for a second sytems. It’s a great amplifier! Well this is of course hypothetical day-dreaming — I couldn’t have justified an XS2 level second system... But it would have been so lovely... 

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by Timo

P.S. I home-demoed Neat’s SX1 — the SX range is great for the XS2, if your room cooperates. The down-firing ports can get a bit boomy...

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by hungryhalibut

I tried the Motive 1 once. Truly dreadful. The Motive 2, on the other hand, is very nice. 

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by glasnaim

The Motive 1 & 2 are the older version of the Neat speakers, the SX1 & SX2 are significantly different, especially in relation to bass, I think this point has been made before.

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by jme

Thanks all for your input. 

If im honest, I’m sure an Xs or xs2 would be all I need. It’s just the fact that an old sn is so close in cost s/h with the xs2 that causes the issue and because a dealer won’t have both its hard to demo. 

Im very interested in the smaller format floorstanders such as neat sx2 and kudos x2. However, downfiring ports towards a suspended floor concerns me. Not sure if the thick carpet and underlay  would help or hinder. Plinths are an option. 


Posted on: 08 November 2018 by ChrisSU
jme posted:

Im very interested in the smaller format floorstanders such as neat sx2 and kudos x2. However, downfiring ports towards a suspended floor concerns me. Not sure if the thick carpet and underlay  would help or hinder. Plinths are an option. 

I’ve stuck with my X2s for quite some time, partly because they are the least fussy speakers I’ve owned when it comes to room positioning. I don’t see the downward firing ports as a problem. The port points down towards the plinth, rather than directly at the floor, and as long as they’re spiked through the carpet to the floor beneath, I think you’ll find they are happy with most floor types. 

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by ricsimas
jme posted:

If im honest, I’m sure an Xs or xs2 would be all I need. It’s just the fact that an old sn is so close in cost s/h with the xs2 that causes the issue and because a dealer won’t have both its hard to demo.  

I would pay more for an XS over the SN1, which I thought was just not that great - good, not great, unlike the XS.

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by Mike Sullivan

I’d suggest simply adding a new NAP100, which is the natural upgrade for the UC2 and will give you more dynamic drive and is in budget. I have this system in my media room, which is the size as your room. Otherwise a secondhand Superuniti, but then you have a UC2 to sell unless you keep it for a second multiroom, and you are buying old steaming technology.

if you are looking at further upgrades, adding a new streamer played through the UC2 would be a future proofed option. Probally the ND5 XS2 - slightly over budget, but then you have a great source to build up from.

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by Re-Kid

Uniti Star/Nova never crossed your mind?