Naim muso controlling through voice for 2019?

Posted by: Don Jay on 25 November 2018


I have now automated most my home. At least a year ago I asked Naim if they will be adding Alexa support to the Muso and unfortunately replied no. Since, there are now more options than Alexa. So now, the only ‘dead’ thing in my home is the muso which is a shame as I double it up as a TV speaker as have no room for another sound-bar and it does sound good for TV too (providing I don’t keep losing my Muso remote).

Has Naim hopefully changed its mind since my last post, and is it or has it finally built some sort of Alexa or another voice such as Google Home support for Muso, or is there another hack? Someone mentioned buying the Logic Harmony which may or may not work as a hack and might be my only bet, but (without buying or trying it from what I’ve read) it’s seems clunky and seems an expensive option just for controlling my tv sound, as well as wont be able to ‘choose’ tv source from the muso, but rather asking ‘alexa’ to press the button that changes source a few times until the tv one works.

Any other ideas or is the Harmony my only bet (if it indeed can work)?

Many thanks.


Posted on: 25 November 2018 by blythe

My understanding is that Apple's Siri can now control your Muso. I haven't the technical know-how to try it though!
See here: