Response dt8 speakers thoughts?

Posted by: Hkmike18 on 27 November 2018

Hello to all

I walked into my Hong Kong naim dealer last week and found out they are having their yearly sale of demo items this week. What a mistake ????
I began looking at a pair of proac Response DT8 ( or maybe Studio 148 ) they are going to have on sale (price not announced yet)
Any thoughts how this would pair with current system CD5X
NAD 150X
NAC 122X
No way to audition the speakers so a bit of leap of faith apart from positive advice from the staff there.  Current speakers proac tritowers which I have never really warmed to as they sound a little “thin” if that makes any sense. I want speakers that sound richer at low volume. 
Any thoughts appreciated

Thank you

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by hastings

It seems like a step in the right direction;  the Tritower specs suggest they are too much for your 150.  The DT8 seems to be much easier to drive and more appropriate.  The only question is if your room is big enough for those floorstanders.       

Another great upgrade for you to look into is to trade the 122/150 for a Supernait.  With more power available you might finally appreciate those Tritowers.  

Posted on: 03 December 2018 by Hkmike18

Thank you Hastings for the advice .

I will look more into the Supernait recommendation. As for room size - room not that big  - the footprint of the DT8 is the same as the tritowers crops stand feet . 
