Spikes or Cups for Ovators

Posted by: john s on 28 November 2018

I've been moving my Ovator 400's to allow some new windows to be fitted and I'm thinking about changing things when they go back. Currently the spikes go through a fairly thick carpet and underlay into a concrete floor. I can adjust them so that the bases of the speakers are (just) above the carpet pile but levelling the speakers is really difficult as the holes in the spikes used for adjustment disappear into the carpet pile.

So I've been wondering about standing the spikes in carpet protectors/cups, which would make adjustment a lot easier, both levelling and position in the room. Would this have a noticeable affect on sound quality? If cups are OK has any tried them with Ovators? Any ideas on which make would be best?

Thank you!

Posted on: 28 November 2018 by RaceTripper

Try the Gaia feet from isoAcoustics. I put a set of Gaia II under my Dynaudio Confidence C2 Platinum speakers, replacing the factory spikes. Clartity and detail tightened up through the range, and the soundstage became more 3-dimensional and focused. These are a great upgrade. I am also using them in place of my turntable spikes and that provided the same benefits.

Posted on: 28 November 2018 by Hanner

I'm using bFly TALIS PRO M on carpet covered wooden floor with best results.

Posted on: 28 November 2018 by ChrisSU

I can’t imagine that putting floor protectors on top of carpet would work too well. I would find the optimum position for the speakers first, then put small slits in the carpet and slide the floor protectors underneath so that they sit on the solid floor beneath. 

Posted on: 30 November 2018 by john s

Thanks for the ideas -  I'm not brave enough to slit the carpet, the spike holes are enough! However I can get a 30 day trial of the Gaia or probably the Talis so I might try one of those. 

Must admit since I started looking at this my ideas on speaker isolation have changed a bit - I thought the spikes were meant to prevent undue speaker movement due to energy in the speaker, some of the descriptions I've read suggest it is more about preventing feedback from the speaker to the rest of the system - and I can't see how spikes would help in that case although they seem to be the accepted approach from speaker manufacturers so I guess it's try it and see time.

Racetripper - are you using the Gaia feet on a carpet? 


Posted on: 30 November 2018 by ChrisSU

A split in the carpet will be invisible, honestly! Be brave!!

Posted on: 30 November 2018 by RaceTripper
john s posted:

Thanks for the ideas -  I'm not brave enough to slit the carpet, the spike holes are enough! However I can get a 30 day trial of the Gaia or probably the Talis so I might try one of those. 


Racetripper - are you using the Gaia feet on a carpet


Initially, yes (rather, on a rug), and the improvement was substantial. However, I pulled my rug out of the way and now have the speakers on the wood floor. I think it made a smaller difference – if anything much at all – than adding the Gaia in the first place. My dealer uses Gaia I on carpet with their largest speakers (presently Dynaudio's demo Confidence 60)  to great effect in their main demo room. isoAcoustics also sells carpet discs for using the Gaia. From their FAQ...

Can isoAcoustics products be used on carpet?

Yes, Isoacoustics products provide the same benefits when used on carpet. For the GAIA series, we recommend using the Carpet discs for best results to provide a solid surface for the GAIA to adhere to