Connect hicap2 to nac 82
Posted by: Aceone on 30 November 2018
Hi can someone tell me how to connect my hicap2 to my 82 plz.
Yup, as per the manual illustration. Hicap to NAC82 via SNAIC5 (banded end of SNAIC closest to NAC82). Then take pre-amp signal from the Hicap to your power amp. Make sure you have the NAPSC connected to the NAC82 and powered up, and that the 5 pin link plug for Upgrade 2 is fitted.
Hi I've connected it up and iam getting music very faint ,the music comes out same vol when I choose cd tape tuner ect can anyone help me plz
Is the NAPSC connected to the NAC82 and powered up?
Is the 5 pin paddle link plug connected to the Link 2 socket?
Yes it is Richard I've noticed no sound out of right channel but you can hear hiss noise out of right channel
So you have got yourself a 82, enjoy as it's a good pre
Anyway here you go
Looking at the back off each unit
On the 82 on the left had side are 3 pots in a row on the top with one below and next to that the napsc
Top left on 82 to right port on 1st hicap 5 pin to 5 pin
Top right on 82 to right on second hicap 5 pin to 5 pin
Then on the first hicap you use the next pot to the one you have connected the 82 too and that goes to the power amp
Hope that helps and enjoy
How do I put a photo on here using my phone and I will send one
Aceone, see the forum FAQ on how to post pictures on the forum.
You'll need to host the picture online somewhere. Then use the direct image URL.
Hi just an update it was the signal input cable that was faulty I would like to thank everyone for their advice they gave me itsi up and running and sounds awesome to say it needs servicing.