Help Please! Recommendations for SBL Bass / Mid Rebuilds

Posted by: Clive Gidney on 02 December 2018

One of the bass/mid drive units in my SBLs is buzzing at certain low frequencies - typically bass kick drums of plucked double bass. Dont know if you'll be able to hear it on my phone video. I've tried different sources, swapped speaker leads left for right, swapped the crossovers, taken the drive unit out but there's nothing obvious loose, the phase plug seems tight. Recommendations for who to go to for rebuilds please

Posted on: 02 December 2018 by Richard Dane

Clive, that looks like one of the original Mordaunt-Short mid/bass drivers. Possibly it's a good idea to consider upgrading to the later, much improved, Naim drivers.  I'm not sure whether Naim can still supply them (your Naim dealer should be able to find out), but they do turn up secondhand every now and then.

Posted on: 02 December 2018 by Japtimscarlet

Yes your clip does show the buzz to full effect

Does sound like you will need a new one (pair)

Posted on: 02 December 2018 by yeti42

Are the mounting bolts torqued? I’ve not had buzzing from my Naim speakers but when my Thiels started to buzz thightening the mounting bolts cured it.

Just read the OP properly and looks like you had that covered.

Posted on: 02 December 2018 by Innocent Bystander

If you haven’t already, you could try swapping the driver between the two cabinets - that would prove whether or not it is the drive unit itself. I don’t know how they are sealed simple gasket or other - and care will need to be taken to re-make the seals, but that won’t affect the check, and would need doing anyway if you do end up having to change the drivers.

Posted on: 03 December 2018 by Clive Gidney
Innocent Bystander posted:

If you haven’t already, you could try swapping the driver between the two cabinets - that would prove whether or not it is the drive unit itself. I don’t know how they are sealed simple gasket or other - and care will need to be taken to re-make the seals, but that won’t affect the check, and would need doing anyway if you do end up having to change the drivers.

While I haven't swapped the drivers, I have switched left & right channels - its definitely the driver

Posted on: 03 December 2018 by Willy

Might be worth having a chat with the folks at Wembly Loudspeakers. May be that they can repair to original specification, especially if Naim could provide any necessary details.


Posted on: 03 December 2018 by Innocent Bystander
Clive Gidney posted:

While I haven't swapped the drivers, I have switched left & right channels - its definitely the driver

I was thinking driver specifically as opposed to something in the cabinet? (i don’t know how likely that might be.)

Posted on: 03 December 2018 by Richard Dane

Willy, it's a not a Naim driver, but one from Mordaunt-Short. As I say, it may be best to get some Naim drivers - it'll be a nice upgrade too.

Posted on: 03 December 2018 by Clive Gidney
Richard Dane posted:

Willy, it's a not a Naim driver, but one from Mordaunt-Short. As I say, it may be best to get some Naim drivers - it'll be a nice upgrade too.

Maybe a nice upgrade but I've been quoted £775 - ouch! Probably more cost effective to buy a pair with the Mk 2 drivers & sell these for spares

Posted on: 03 December 2018 by trickydickie
Innocent Bystander posted:
Clive Gidney posted:

While I haven't swapped the drivers, I have switched left & right channels - its definitely the driver

I was thinking driver specifically as opposed to something in the cabinet? (i don’t know how likely that might be.)

It's possible

I had a problem with one of my Kudos C20's, very very occasionally you could hear a weird buzzing noise triggered by LF energy.  Meet Me In London always triggered it.  I contacted Kudos and they advised that it was the cable resonating against the cabinet inside.  They talked me though removing the driver and re-positioning the cable.  Problem solved!

Posted on: 03 December 2018 by Clive Gidney
trickydickie posted:

It's possible

I had a problem with one of my Kudos C20's, very very occasionally you could hear a weird buzzing noise triggered by LF energy.  Meet Me In London always triggered it.  I contacted Kudos and they advised that it was the cable resonating against the cabinet inside.  They talked me though removing the driver and re-positioning the cable.  Problem solved!

Interesting.  Someone on another forum suggested that the suspension might have sagged so I've had the driver out & rotated it through 180° - that will have re-positioned the cable. No change

Posted on: 03 December 2018 by Richard Dane
Clive Gidney posted:
Richard Dane posted:

Willy, it's a not a Naim driver, but one from Mordaunt-Short. As I say, it may be best to get some Naim drivers - it'll be a nice upgrade too.

Maybe a nice upgrade but I've been quoted £775 - ouch! Probably more cost effective to buy a pair with the Mk 2 drivers & sell these for spares

Or have a ring around some of the more likely Naim dealers.  They must have done a number of SBL Mk2 driver upgrades over the years, and maybe they have a spare set of the originals stored away going for cheap.

Posted on: 03 December 2018 by Innocent Bystander

In fact maybe only one needed! (But If me I would suggest double checking it is tpthe unit itself.)

otherwise there are specialist companies around that will rebuid drivers, replacing te voice coil  or whatever may vpbe rubbing. Whether they can do that particular driver is another question- search around under ‘re-coning’, and a bit of a niche area. I had a drive unit done by somewhere in north west London (someone mentioned Wembley?), but that was an Altec Lansing 15 inch pro unit, and was about 35 years ago...!

Posted on: 04 December 2018 by pete T15
Innocent Bystander posted:

In fact maybe only one needed! (But If me I would suggest double checking it is tpthe unit itself.)

otherwise there are specialist companies around that will rebuid drivers, replacing te voice coil  or whatever may vpbe rubbing. Whether they can do that particular driver is another question- search around under ‘re-coning’, and a bit of a niche area. I had a drive unit done by somewhere in north west London (someone mentioned Wembley?), but that was an Altec Lansing 15 inch pro unit, and was about 35 years ago...!

The company you are thinking of is Wembley loudspeakers , who are actually in Shepherd’s Bush near Askew Road . I know the company very well as one of my closest friends worked there for 20 odd years . It’s pretty much one guy these days but he really knows his onions . 

Posted on: 12 December 2018 by Clive Gidney
Update. The upshot is that I took the driver out & sent it away & got it back in just over a week £40 + postage. Refitted it & the world is a wonderful place again  :) Thank you to everyone for their input into the problem & suggestions - apparently the cone was coming away from the surround at the front.
For the record & for those who might be looking for driver repairs in the future, the only people I could find who would look at it were Wembley and Audio Loudspeakers.
Wembley didn't come across as that interested - I have been told that there main line of business is repairing PA stack for bands who've blown them up so I sent them to Audio Loudspeakers - although communications could have been a bit better, the turn round was quick & the price was reasonable.
Other options: Naim offered a pair of Mk2 drivers £775 fitted - ouch, or Simon Hamnett could supply a second hand Mk 1 driver £275
Posted on: 12 December 2018 by Japtimscarlet

Sounds like you picked the best option and I'm glad it's all sorted now 

Posted on: 12 December 2018 by sjw

Great news! I love it when there are independent specialists doing stuff like this..My BMW differential started to whine - £1900 if fitted at BMW but rebuilt by a gearbox specialist for £550 

Posted on: 12 December 2018 by dalmatian
sjw posted:

Great news! I love it when there are independent specialists doing stuff like this..My BMW differential started to whine - £1900 if fitted at BMW but rebuilt by a gearbox specialist for £550 

My Audi A4 has got a differential problem, Audi want £4300 for a new one, what specialist did you use?


Posted on: 12 December 2018 by sjw

am gearboxes near Reading. Often he's under a car so can't answer phone but really knows his stuff. Small chaotic workshop but a refreshing change from over polished expensive main agents!