Naim Uniti 2 'clunks' when tilted ??

Posted by: robin-hobart on 22 December 2018

Recently I purchased a s/hand Uniti 2.  It is a 2016 model, in unmarked, top condition, works perfectly.  Yet when I tilt it slightly (eg to move / relocate), there is a noticeable 'clunk' from the inside.  This occurs even with the CD unit secured by its transit screw.  It feels like something pretty solid inside is sliding about by a small amount - maybe a mm or 2?  It doesn't feel like a circuit board or such and the only thing I can think of is the PS transformer moving slightly.  Hard to locate but seems to be around the centre-ish of the unit maybe.  Yet all the bottom screws are tight and I can feel or discern no movement in any of them.  All of these look to be untouched - ie no indications (tiny paint chips, scratches, etc) of having been removed at any time.  IE, looks 100% original.  Am reluctant to try to open the case - seems to not be recommended by non-techs such as myself.  Anyway, it appears several hefty Allen-screws need to be removed, as well as the feet, to allow the chassis to slide out of the sleeve.

I can use it fine, works as it should; but can't help wondering.  Anyone experienced similar - or got suggestions?  Ta.


Posted on: 23 December 2018 by Richard Dane

It may be that the first owner lost a CD clamp or two inside the machine. This can sometimes happen if the clamp isn't put squarely on the CD mech spindle

I remember buying a secondhand CD3 and wondering what the clanking was inside.  When I opened it up to investigate I found four CD clamps in there rattling around. 

It shouldn't cause any harm, but you could always take the unit to a dealer who stocks Naim and ask if they could open it up for you to investigate.

Posted on: 23 December 2018 by robin-hobart

Hi Richard;

You mean a puck or two inside?  I'm sure this has happened more than once,  & thanks for the suggestion, but this 'clunk' has a real weight behind it. I can't imagine any way a puck would make the very solid sound I'm hearing. If I tilt L it clunks;  then if I tilt R, whatever it is clunks back.  Ditto front to back. It feels as if there is a tiny movement inside and then a weighty, solid, metallic 'clunk'.  Also, I've had the unit upside-down to inspect the screws, and there is nothing like a rattle inside as something falls / moves about. Maybe in the New Year I will take it to our local agent, but for various reasons I won't go into, I'm a tad reluctant to do that.


Posted on: 23 December 2018 by hungryhalibut

Perhaps you need to be bold and open it up. 

Posted on: 23 December 2018 by Richard Dane

Another possibility is that the magnetic door stop is loose and needs adjusting and tightening.

Posted on: 23 December 2018 by Bob the Builder

Is their a bolt loose or missing at the bottom as I had a CD5 X which had a loose bolt and when it tipped the insides would move making a clunk realigning it and tightening all the bolts solve the issue.

Posted on: 23 December 2018 by Rich 1

I'm not familiar with this model, but does it have a suspended chassis like most modern Naim equipment? Rich 

Posted on: 23 December 2018 by hungryhalibut

No, it doesn’t. 

Posted on: 24 December 2018 by robin-hobart

Thanks for your suggestions chaps.

No loose bolts - all very tight and unmoving (even when handled & clunking). 'Tis a great mystery -  I can feel that something relatively heavy is moving very slightly inside the case when tilted. Enough to register a clunk. 

I don't know what a floating chassis is but don't think the Uniti2 has one. There is no removable top or bottom - the external case (top, bottom, sides) is an integrated metal sleeve apparently cast in one piece;  in this regard, it is a bit like some of the olden day amps where the guts + attached faceplate seem to slide back into the sleeve and are secured in place by several bolts up through the bottom.  It appears that they would all have to come out in order to free the innards - which would then slide forwards out of the sleeve.  Ergo, the thing must be worked on without turning it upside down.  Furthermore, I'm intrigued that I can find no online info whatsoever re cracking a Uniti2 case.  Surely I'm not the first amateur to ask about this?

If it showed any operational fault, I would indeed gird my loins and have a crack at the bolts.  But as mentioned, the Uniti is otherwise working perfectly - no functional 'issues' whatsoever when it is on the shelf doing its thing. Typical Naim sound.  But anything loose can't be optional.....

Posted on: 24 December 2018 by Richard Dane

Naim do not encourage anyone to open up the case.  There's a high ESD risk and you also risk damaging the laser mechanism. I've also seen people stripping and rounding the edges of the allen bolts, making it necessary to return to the factory to then have the bolts drilled out. Take it to a Naim dealer with the facility to open the unit and check the insides for you. 

Posted on: 24 December 2018 by robin-hobart

Hi again Richard;

Yes - I agree; that seems to be the most sensible way to go about it. For want of a nail, etc.

For now, I will continue to use the U2, stationary on its shelf, for the next few weeks into the New Year & contemplate whether or not this oddity continues to  'bug me'.  If it does, I will take it in for the Agent to check out & resolve.

Many thanks for all the input.


Posted on: 25 December 2018 by Japtimscarlet

Ohh it will bug you robin

The thought of something not being perfect will always niggle away to an audiophile