which PSU for the NAC 82
Posted by: Chris1977 on 26 December 2018
Thanks to the feedbacks from this forum, I've just purchased a near mint NAP 250-2 and I'm on the market for a NAC 82. I'm quite puzzled about the wide PSU offering. Considering a budget of one grand in the used market, I see I have three options:
- one Supercap (olive or triptych but not-DR)
- two Hicaps (olive or triptych but not-DR)
- one Hicap DR
Which options would sound better?
I'm not a fan of having three boxes connected to the NAC, and I know I should find two identical Hicaps to let them working at their full potential, so the second option is the least convenient, but please consider just the sheer sound quality.
Speakers are Spendor A9.