Upgrading DIN XLR cables on 300DR

Posted by: gsr on 30 December 2018


just bought a 300DR connected to a 272. Is there any mileage in upgrading the std DIN-XLR cables to witch hat cables for example?



Posted on: 30 December 2018 by Gazza

I would wait, like I am doing, let things settle down and then try cables. But not just witch hat......the Naim standard cables are not “sexy” boxed items, but you have to pay a lot to beat them. Easy to find something sounding different, but not better.

Posted on: 30 December 2018 by Clive B
Gazza posted:

I would wait, like I am doing, let things settle down and then try cables. But not just witch hat......the Naim standard cables are not “sexy” boxed items, but you have to pay a lot to beat them. Easy to find something sounding different, but not better.

That's a good point, Gazza, and a trap into which I have fallen in the past. There's been quite some views expressed on the different, but not better, effect of cables and interconnects on the Kabin. I guess sometimes it's more hi-fi, but not necessarily better music.