Audio Format (daisy) for Uniti Star

Posted by: Linus76 on 02 January 2019

Dear naim community,

I'm planning to go for a naim system for my father who is partially blind and love to listen to high quality music ...

So far so good, he also loves to listen to audio books he get provided by the blind association in Austria. Due to the fact he is 81 years of age I do want to have ONE easy to use system for him that he can control by his iPad and that can play ALL audio formats he need. The system I'm looking for is the naim Uniti Star. My question to the community is, is the built in CD player capable to play audio files in Daisy format (mp3 based). The reason why im asking is, that the Uniti is Windows based, at least this is my knowledge, and Windows is able to play daisy format.

I know that this question is not relevant by the most of us but very important for the blind community and my father.

Thanks in advance vor any answer, hint, ... and have a good day,

Posted on: 02 January 2019 by Richard Dane


doing a quick read up on Daisy format, it seems that any playback device needs to run Daisy playback software. Therefore you'll need either a dedicated Daisy player or else a computer or mobile device that can play and navigate Daisy files. I don't think the CD player in the Star will be able to do this, although you could probably attach a player the Star for improved audio.

Hopefully there is another member on here who is more familiar with the Daisy format and can advise further.

Posted on: 02 January 2019 by Linus76

You are right, to use the full spectrum (bookmarks, playback speed, ...) of daisy i would need a 100% daisy player, but i only what to play it back: start, stop, pause thats it. any more comments? 

Thanks in advance ...

Posted on: 02 January 2019 by Simon-in-Suffolk

Daisy is a talking book format, and seems to have been largely adopted by the blind and visually impaired community.. it needs a dedicated application/software to run it. Audio CD, which Naim CD players read, use the Red Book format and is actually just one PCM stream of audio with a Table of Contents header that segments the stream into ‘tracks’.. and so is totally different from the data Daisy CDs. Audio CDs are not made up of files.

Data CDs or CD-ROMs typically follow the Yellow Book standard and differ from Red Book in as far as the content is a file system with a series of files such as MP3 and programme files, ie like a Daisy format CD.  Computers or specialist universal players  typically will be able to read Yellow Book CD-ROMs (as well as Red Book). However a Naim CD player like most audio CD players won’t be able to read Yellow Book or Daisy format CDs... however some multimedia universal players out there might ... 

The RNIB has a web site and a help line to advise for such universal players.

Posted on: 02 January 2019 by Linus76

thanks got the point ...

Many thanks for the explanation .