Posted by: David S on 09 January 2019

Dear All,

I have a CD555 and an NDS.  The CD555 does not get any use these days (infact none at all), so I got to wondering if I should connect the 2 PSUs to the NDS.

My understanding is that this involves taking one Burndy from each of the PSUs (one with 2 markers and one with 1 marker) and plugging them into the NDS

This leaves me with 2 unused Burndy cables.  Can I not do the same into the CD555?  I would then achieve each unit powered by a different PSU and as I never use them simultaneously, I could get benefits for both.

Sorry if I have got this all wrong.  My original plan was to sell the CD555 and use the proceeds towards an ND555, thereby achieving an important goal of reducing the number of black boxes.  But perhaps there is life yet in the CD555...

Many thanks



Posted on: 09 January 2019 by Richard Dane

You should either have one 555PS dedicated to the CD555 and the other to the NDS, or both PSUs dedicated to just the one unit.

Posted on: 09 January 2019 by james n

You've answered your own question - you don't use the CD555 anymore. Worth trying the two supplies on the NDS and seeing what you think.

I'd avoid the idea trying to power the two units at the same time from the two PSU's. 

Posted on: 09 January 2019 by David S


You are right.  Although it is wonderful, the CD555 does not get used.  I find it easier to burn CDs on the Unitiserve and playback through the NDS.


Posted on: 09 January 2019 by yeti42

I emailed Phil Harris about this last year, here is his response:



Technically it would work however I couldn't possibly recommend it as the power supplies would then be having to isolate and sink the electrical noise from two devices rather than one and although the audio signal ground can be floated on the NDS then the combination of multiple devices with multiple power ground paths through to multiple power supplies would really leave the doors open to some interesting (and possibly quite nasty) ground loop effects.


Best Regards


Phil Harris  




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Posted on: 09 January 2019 by David S

Thank you very much for that.  Phil has provided a technical response that is beyond my intellectual capacity but it has the sagacity to stop me giving the arrangement a try. He has always been a top chap.

Posted on: 10 January 2019 by james n

Roughly translated - it would work but would be a very compromised setup from an SQ point of view.

Good decision David