Posted by: David S on 09 January 2019
Dear All,
I have a CD555 and an NDS. The CD555 does not get any use these days (infact none at all), so I got to wondering if I should connect the 2 PSUs to the NDS.
My understanding is that this involves taking one Burndy from each of the PSUs (one with 2 markers and one with 1 marker) and plugging them into the NDS
This leaves me with 2 unused Burndy cables. Can I not do the same into the CD555? I would then achieve each unit powered by a different PSU and as I never use them simultaneously, I could get benefits for both.
Sorry if I have got this all wrong. My original plan was to sell the CD555 and use the proceeds towards an ND555, thereby achieving an important goal of reducing the number of black boxes. But perhaps there is life yet in the CD555...
Many thanks