Active Briks... what have I done...
Posted by: Stephen packer on 12 January 2019
I made the mistake of taking a look at that auction site... and saw a set of briks together with a Chrome Bumber NAXO3 for sale for an acceptable price... so I've bought them.
I have a CB active system using a NAXO2 and CB250s feeding into SBLs. So I wonder how different the briks will be? Sadly my (current) listening room/office is small (maybe 2.5mx3.5m) so the briks may be too much?
A bit sad that it's only at this time in my life I'm able to indulge myself and the equipment is all getting as tired as I am!
Unfortunately, I suspect that your last sentence will ring true with many (possibly even with the majority) of the members of this forum, myself included.
Luckily, I think I have reached the point at which I am happy with my audio and home cinema systems. There has been no continually scouring that auction site for me for the past 3 or 4 years.
Hope the briks work well in your system.
Nice mistake! I look forward to your observations. These old skool loudspeakers do attract me.
Congratulations on the purchase Stephen! I also saw that same ad. Always good to read of someone scratching an itch on something like this - good stuff. I once made the change from passive SBL to passive Isobariks (52/135 driving them) and I much preferred the 'Briks over the SBLs! Hope the change works out for you and look forward to reading updates (on the new forum!).
They are also a good size and height for cats to sit upon............or as in Suzy Wong’s case, as a landing zone underneath the curtain rail in the lounge.
Stephen packer posted:I made the mistake of taking a look at that auction site... and saw a set of briks together with a Chrome Bumber NAXO3 for sale for an acceptable price... so I've bought them.
I have a CB active system using a NAXO2 and CB250s feeding into SBLs. So I wonder how different the briks will be? Sadly my (current) listening room/office is small (maybe 2.5mx3.5m) so the briks may be too much?
A bit sad that it's only at this time in my life I'm able to indulge myself and the equipment is all getting as tired as I am!
You are not sad. If I ever see a pair of minty active Briks for a reasonable $ I'd do the same! ( just not happening in the US sadly )
I am curious to hear your thoughts on an active SBL vs. Briks. I have heard a former in active operation but never heard the Briks active. Do they still have the original drivers?
Briks work nearfield so, size of your room doesn't matter. so you have an extra CB250 laying around?
Anyways they will be VERY different.
Have fun.
Briks are the business! There are lots of things, by present day standards, they can't do terribly well - like "imaging"; but what they can do they do brilliantly. I had a pair running with various passive CB and Olive configurations including 42/HC/250 82/HC/250 and for a short period 82/SC/250. I would still have them were it not for the fact that they were not suited to the layout of the room after we had an extension and remodelling. My current Kudos S20's do things the Briks couldn't but can't do some of the things the Briks did very well - I'm wondering if the Kudos 606 or 707 would give me those things.
On a practical note you might want to check the torque on the drive unit screws and the general condition of the drivers. Enjoy!
I lived with my DMS Isobariks since 1983 used a CB 32.5, Hi-Cap and 250 for 30 years, Still got the Isobariks but use different amplification now. Linn LP, Stiletto, Plateau, Armeggedon, Aro, Kiseki Blue NS. The system plays music for me that I can listen to for hours without fatigue. I also play radio with 101 / Snaps and CD’s with a CDS / CDPS.
Active Briks do music very well - I ran a set for 25 years with 552 - 3x500 and heard all the upgrades up to that point as they are great music speakers.
To go any farther it took an outlay of an order of magnitude more expensive speaker for me and that is why I kept them for so long and still rate them very highly. Their strengths are various but immediacy of bass-timing is one that many speakers find hard to match and expensive to beat.