Qute, ReadyNAS etc question

Posted by: Billy Rubin on 16 December 2011

Previously, I used my HDX-SSD to rip my CD collection to a ReadyNAS duo.


Currently am living in temporary accommodation (for the next year or so) and don't have space for my full Naim set-up - the HDX etc are boxed up and stored away.


Was wondering about getting a Qute (will need it in the new place eventually anyway).


If I unpack the ReadyNAS Duo and connect it to the wireless router (like it used to be), turn its uPnP server on and set the media directory as the one where the HDX dumped all the rips, will the Qute readily find the rips? 


Will it see the metadata which the HDX left behind i.e. will I be able to correctly display and search by  artist, track etc etc?

Posted on: 16 December 2011 by Jack

Billy....I suspect not, it's a sort of similar issue to the one Aysil is looking at in another post, trying to play the HDX music store on his computer. The UPnP server of the ReadyNAS will find the rips but it won't be able to do anything with the metadata as it's not stored in the file or any other standard mechanism. So everything will come up as "unknown artist" on the Qute or similar.