Well, It's quiet in here tonight!

Posted by: George Fredrik on 19 January 2012

Does no one care about the business of a ship captain leaving his charges to their fate after acting like an idiot. After all he was not in a rowing-boat!


Does no one care to consider the potential for a long and horrible recesssion in the UK given the Euro situation?


Does no one care to consider the ineffectual efforts of our charitable organisations to stave off starvation in East Africa, or the imminent problems in West Africa?


Or even the implications of Chinese interests in Poland, having bid for a massive [road building] infrastructure project, and then failing to live up to the commitment? How much may we trust the Chinese when the going gets tough in Europe?


Come on folks, the world is in tremendous and terrifying times and all we can discuss is the implicaions of Burndy cables being the wrong way round!


Please pull your heads out of the sand and consider some real problems, and I don't mean some poor degenerate anti-theistic warmonger called Hitch!


Let's get this section ringing with opinion and thought.




ATB from George

Posted on: 03 February 2012 by George Fredrik

Dear Peter,


The Quads went into quality over-drive as they are now. I could never have guessed at this degree of quality from their stereo positioning. The solo piano is a special beneficiary. Never heard a recorded piano solo sound like it was in the room before, but also be so pure and large as life. Okay the sense of the larger acoustic of the recording is an enlargement of the room, but it is staggeringly good. To think that the amp is a Nait 5i and the source a budget DAC. I can honestly say that I have never heard replay of remotely this quality before.


The great thing is that it would be hard to find a room that is too small for the single stacked pair arrangement! And so I shall not have to part with them for lack of a room to accomodate them.


As for life I am in a tremendous mood because 2012 is a year which can [almost certainly] only get better, so the short run is something to muddle through, and come out the other side.


I had some very funny emails from my best Polish friend, who is staying with his family there with his GF just now, and I don't think I ever have chuckled so much at an email before.


I think it would embarrass nobody to say that one line in particular brought a wry smile,


... I have seen already rivers flowing full of Wodka!


So life has it smiles and its frowns, but the frowns are not worth a damn really. Certainly not worth frowning over, when one can smile at other tings.


ATB from George

Posted on: 03 February 2012 by pjl2

Dear George,


It's brilliant that you are in such a well-placed position with replay. As you know, the journey getting there can be frustrating, expensive and full of blind avenues - but mostly fun for all that, and a great learning experience. With age comes wisdom....... sometimes it's great fun just to look back over the years and ponder on some of the systems one has owned. Actually some of my most fondly remembered ones were from my teens - and hardly what would pass for hi-fi!


PS. If you want a chuckle have a look at my thread on the possibility of converting my AS speakers to single drivers. It was a barmy idea I suppose - can't think what came over me - but it seemed like a good one at the time!



