I just bought a new Mac Mini 1.5Tb server. Setup was a breeze. Copied over everything without issue and I'm away. Sounds nice.
One nice new feature is the full HDMI output which means that when playing video (either downloaded, ripped or streamed), the audio now goes via HDMI to the TV then back to my SuperNait via SPDIF. This fixed the lip-sync problem I had when the audio and video split at the old Mini outputs. Slightly annoying to have to manually select between HDMI and Optical output, when switching between music and video, though
I went back to the Mac app store to get BitPerfect (again) and was pleased when they recognised the account and gave me a new copy (updated) for free. Nice.
The VNC screen sharing works much more smoothly when compared to the old one. Perhaps the new Lion OS? It is now almost as good as being directly on the host computer.
Posted on: 05 February 2012 by J.N.
"I went back to the Mac app store to get BitPerfect (again) and was pleased when they recognised the account and gave me a new copy (updated) for free. Nice."
Hi Winky,
BitPerfect is a peach for peanuts. I got upgraded to v 1.0 for nowt as well.
I'm running a MacMini (containing my iTunes ALAC music library), USB connected to an M2Tech 'Young' DAC - The output of which now sports a Linn Silver i/c to the 552.
It's sounding fabulous and I'm loving it.
Posted on: 05 February 2012 by George Fredrik
Driving the music selection [iTunes has a wonderful user interface] from the computer/MAC end, and direct connection to the DAC has two advantages. The system is relatively simple, and also it is reliable.
These would be of no significance if the replay were compromised, but as John notes it is superb.
Streaming? Who needs it?
ATB from George
Posted on: 05 February 2012 by George Fredrik
I have never sought to complicate iTunes with additional software add ons.
Can anyone tell me what these bring that vanilla flavoured iTunes does not?
I don't mean some comment such as "sounds better," but some description of the relative effect on the music, such as more articulate, more natural timbre of voices and instruments, or other such musical aspects.
I do like KISS!
ATB from George
Posted on: 05 February 2012 by J.N.
Hi Howard
I needed to untick 'Minimise iTunes interaction' in BP Preferences to get my iPad display correct whilst playing music. Dunno if that helps?
The important aspect for me was to re-start iTunes and BP after making changes?
As ever, I have Steve to thank for 'the knowledge'.
BP v 1.0 seems to be working okay for me, but there are clearly some flies in ointment.
Good luck. See you later this month.
Posted on: 06 February 2012 by pcstockton
The only real thing those add-on programs bring to the table, functionally speaking, is auto sample rate switching. If you have any hi-res audio you would want this.
Currently, iTunes requires you to go into settings to change the output.
Regarding sound quality changes, I am not sure as I haven't tried them. They all seem to do some kind of EQ'ing. Otherwise how would they change the SQ of iTunes already alleged bit-perfect output?
I am guessing it is similar to the SRCs employed by things like the CICs player, or whatever it is called.
Posted on: 06 February 2012 by George Fredrik
Dear Patrick,
My music files are almost all from CDs [only 7 tracks in MP3 out of 7000 or so], and likely to stay that way! Nothing available in Hi-res is remotely interesting to me from the musical standpoint up till now!
I can do without EQ-fiddling, so I'll stick to vanilla flavoured iTunes and you have explained it and made me even happier!
Thanks from George
Posted on: 06 February 2012 by J.N.
With my new Mac/DAC arrangement, warmed-up and settled down, I've just carried out some listening tests with 'BitPerfect' enabled and disabled.
In short - 'vanilla' iTunes' (thank you George) sounds best to me. 'BitPerfect' seems to pump-up the sound in an artificially impressive way. Straight iTunes sounds more analogue-like with a greater sense of ease, space and musical flow to me.
Posted on: 06 February 2012 by George Fredrik
Dear John,
I think this is the most natural sounding digital replay that I have ever had, and if any speakers were going to reveal a false digital edge then it would be the 57s.
One day you will hopefully visit me again, as I think you would like my system, though you would definitely have to bring your own music! Somehow, I reckon I could reduce you to tears of boredom with my favourite stuff!
ATB from George