UServe Frustrations
Posted by: Obsessed1 on 15 April 2012
Hi. Can someone help? Just got my repaired userve back from the distributor, and am having a few problems. First, while the unit now works, my disk is missing the 200 albums I previously ripped and there are only 4 on there now, none of which I own. Sigh. Took a couple of months to get it back and somehow I seem to have the wrong bloody disk in there.
Second, I can't connect through the desktop client. Can someone remind me how I directly enter the ip address (ie, I have tried the NSSRVxxxx many times with no success). I seem to dimly recall that last time I had to try to convert the "MAC Address" listed on the userve into an ip address to enter directly, but I forget how to do that.
Bloody computers. Vinyl is so much less frustrating.