Posted by: Nikitas Katsaras on 16 December 2010

I whould appreciate it, if you could assist me with the following problem, i have been supplied with a Seagate BlackArmor Nas 110, witch i whould like to use as a Nas hard disk for my NAIM HDX. I have created a directory in the NAS 110 with the following characteristics (Services: CIFS, FTP, NFS and Media Service: Enable) and i have conected it as Music Stores with NAIM HDX. But the Following is hapening when NAIM HDX copying a new CD and saving in the NAS 110 only 1-3 song (I see only the NAS in NAIM I can not see), when i try to transfer music from NAIM HDX to NAS 110 it attempts to proseed with the transfer, but it fails and the MOVE HISTORY display a warning: IOException - The process cannot access the file.
Posted on: 16 December 2010 by 2roomsor1
IP address of the NAS, is it static, and away from the hdx?
Posted on: 16 December 2010 by Tylercoupe
look at the topic on this site called "NAS ripping/moving issues. see below. I had the same trouble moving multiple files from HDX to NAS but this fix solved it

It has come to Naim's attention that some customers are experiencing problems when using 1.5a updated servers to move music to an external NAS store.

This problem can generally be explained by the following (in this example a Netgear ReadyNas Duo is used)

1. New ReadyNas Duo with a pre-configured folder called "Media"
2. ReadyNas Duo is pre-configured to have UPnP/DLNA shared from the folder "Media"
3. Customer promotes the folder "Media" to a music store via the Naim server interface
4. Customer rips or moves music to the "Media" folder on the ReadyNas Duo
5. After a period of time the moving of music fails with a message "retry attempts exceeded: Unexpected Error: IO exception - the specified network name is no longer available" recorded

This error is seen as the ReadyNas Duo UPnP/DLNA server scans the folder "Media" at the same time as the Naim server is writing to the folder "Media". This causes a conflict in permissions on the folder and the Naim server can no longer write to the ReadyNas Duo folder for the duration of the UpnP/DLNA scan.

1. Disable the UPnP/Server on the ReadyNas Duo,
2. change the name of the folder ("Media") that the ReadyNas Duo uses as the UPnP/DLNA server directory away from the Naim server music store
3. Create a different folder not called "Media" on the ReadyNas Duo to act as a music store for the Naim server
Posted on: 18 December 2010 by Nikitas Katsaras
Tylercoupe thanks for your advice. I followed your instructions but the problem still exists.
Posted on: 18 December 2010 by Harry
have you configured the directory on the NAS as a share?
Posted on: 18 December 2010 by Nikitas Katsaras
Seagate Storage-Shares: share=Klasiki, Description=Klasiki, Share Owner=admin, Services=Enable (CiFS - FTP – NFS), Recycle Bin Service=Enable, Media Service=Enable

Seagate Acces-Folder Share Permissions: Name=Klasiki, Description=Klasiki, Volume=DataVolume, Services=Enable (CiFS - FTP – NFS), Public Access= Enable, NFS Access=Full Access
Posted on: 18 December 2010 by Peter_RN
This error is seen as the ReadyNas Duo UPnP/DLNA server scans the folder "Media" at the same time as the Naim server is writing to the folder "Media". This causes a conflict in permissions on the folder and the Naim server can no longer write to the ReadyNas Duo folder for the duration of the UpnP/DLNA scan.

Hi Tyler

Could you not just switch off the 'auto rescan' of the media folder?

I use the ReadynAS_NVX and find that a manual rescan following the ripping / adding of albums works very well and prevents the continual rescanning of the 'Auto' feature.

It seems an awful lot of bother to add files when there is a simpler method, and the default setting for the auto rescan (about twice an hour from memory) seems rather excessive anyway IMHO.
