cds1 track errors

Posted by: Keith on 29 April 2001

Can Someone help by explaining why naim players are so prone to not finding tracks.
My cds1 is worse than my aging cdi.I have followed the forum on this topic previously buit still don`t see why it should happen.
Are particular types of disc worsr.For instance cdr discs seem worse
Posted on: 29 April 2001 by David Dever
You're not terribly that far from the factory--why not let them have a go at your player?

Short of replacing the CDM4 transport, we generally adjust laser current on the servo board, insist on a brand-new (set of) clamp(s)--this works reasonably well.

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 29 April 2001 by ken c
david d: it makes such a BIG difference for someone in the naim fold to answer some of the questions/issues raised here. i know this is keith's thread, but i just wanted to say many thanks -- and i look out for your postings to learn one or two things.

now back to that "cecilia bartoli" cd. when she calls, i obey, immediately.

